Running the Data Form Wizard

Using the Data Form Wizard, you can automatically generate a form that is bound to the fields in a database. The Data Form Wizard retrieves data through ADO and supports Microsoft Access .mdb files and databases that can be accessed through ODBC.

To launch the Data Form Wizard

  1. To add a data-bound form to your application with the Data Form Wizard, right-click the project or folder node in Project Explorer that will contain the form.

  2. On the shortcut menu, point to Add and then click Add Form.

  3. In the Add Item dialog box, select the Data Form Wizard icon

  4. In the Name box, enter a name for your form.

  5. Click Open.

    Note   The Data Form Wizard is also launched when you create a new, data-based application with the Application Wizard.

  6. In the Introduction step of the Data Form Wizard, you can select a profile in the drop-down list. (If the profile you want to use is not listed, click the ellipses button (...) to open that profile.) For more information about profiles, see Introducing Wizards and Builders.

  7. Click Next to specify the database type.