The Object Browser provides two lists for viewing the classes and members in a package or library. The primary list can display either classes or members (or both). When a class is selected from the primary list, its members are displayed in the dependent list; when a member is selected from the primary list, all classes containing that member are displayed in the dependent list.
To set the Object Browser view
To help distinguish classes from members, classes appear in bold. Note that by default, the Object Browser groups the items in the primary list into their respective packages or libraries, which also appear in bold. To toggle whether these items are grouped by packages and libraries, right-click the Object Browser and click Group by Packages/Libraries on the shortcut menu. You can also click the Group by Packages/Libraries button on the command bar.
You can use the Object Browser to obtain specific information about the classes and members in a package or library:
If the source code for a package or library is available on your computer, you can navigate to a class or member definition from the Object Browser. Select the item and then right-click the Object Browser. On the shortcut menu, click View Definition.
The Object Browser can show any hidden members of COM libraries. To toggle the display of hidden members, right-click the Object Browser and click Show Hidden Members on the shortcut menu. Hidden members appear in gray text.