Viewing Information in the Auto Window


The Auto window displays the values of all variables within the scope of currently executing methods. Where the Locals window shows variables for a single thread, the Auto window shows variables for all threads. This window allows you to learn about the changes to a variable that may be caused by code executing on a different thread. A variable remains visible as long as it is in scope, reflecting any changes to its value. When the variable goes out of scope it is removed from the Auto window.

The Auto window is updated only when execution is suspended. For example, the Auto window is updated when you add a new watch variable, when you change the value of a variable, or when you switch between decimal and hexidecimal modes from the shortcut menu. Values that have changed since the last suspension are displayed in red.

To display the Auto window

To copy a variable from the Auto window to another window

To change the value of a variable

To view or hide class member variables and array elements

See Viewing Variables in the Auto Window for more information about the Auto debug window.

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