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Retrieves the long date formatting string for this locale.


public String getLongDateFormatString()

Return Value

Returns a String object that contains the long date formatting string for this locale.


The String returned by this method can consist of a combination of day, month, and year format pictures (as defined in the following table) and any string of characters enclosed in single quotes. Characters in single quotes remain as given.

Day Values Description
d The day of the month as digits without leading zeros for single digit days.
dd The day of the month as digits with leading zeros for single digit days.
ddd The day of the week as a three letter abbreviation.
dddd The day of the week name.
Month Values Description
m The month as digits without leading zeros for single digit months.
mm The month as digits with leading zeros for single digit months.
mmm The month as a three letter abbreviation.
mmmm The month name.
Year Values Description
y The year represented only as the last digit.
yy The year represented only as the last two digits.
yyyy The year represented by the full 4 digits.

See Also   setLongDateFormatString, setShortDateFormatString, getShortDateFormatString