Overview | This Package | All Packages
Constructors | Description |
Locale | Creates a new Locale object with the calling thread's current locale. |
Methods | Description |
compareStrings | Compares two Strings for this locale. |
equals | Compares the current Locale object to the object assigned in the obj parameter. |
getAbbrevCountry | Retrieves the abbreviated name of the country from the ISO Standard 3166. |
getAbbrevDayName | Retrieves the native abbreviated name for the specific day of the week. |
getAbbrevLanguage | Retrieves the abbreviated name of the locale's language. |
getAbbrevMonthName | Retrieves the native abbreviated name for a specific month. |
getAMTimeMark | Retrieves a String that represents the AM designator. |
getCalendarType | Retrieves the current calendar type. |
getCenturyFormat | Determines if the year specifier is a 4-digit or a 2-digit century. |
getCharacterSet | Retrieves the character set for this locale. |
getCompareIgnoreCase | Determines if string comparisons will ignore case. |
getCompareIgnoreKana | Determines if string comparisons will ignore kana. |
getCompareIgnoreKashida | Determines if string comparisons will ignore kashida. |
getCompareIgnoreNonSpace | Determines if string comparisons will ignore nonspacing characters. |
getCompareIgnoreSymbols | Determines if string comparisons will ignore symbols. |
getCompareIgnoreWidth | Determines if string comparisons will ignore the width of characters. |
getCountry | Retrieves the fully localized name of the country. |
getCountryCode | Retrieves the country code, based on international telephone codes. |
getCurrencyDecimalGrouping | Retrieves sizes for each group of monetary digits to the left of the decimal. |
getCurrencyDecimalSeparator | Retrieves the character used as the monetary decimal separator. |
getCurrencyFractionalDigits | Retrieves the number of fractional digits for the local monetary format. |
getCurrencyNegativePosition | Determines the position of the monetary symbol used for a negative monetary value. |
getCurrencyNegativeSeparation | Determines if a space is provided between the negative monetary symbol and its monetary value. |
getCurrencyPositivePosition | Determines the position of the monetary symbol used for a positive monetary value. |
getCurrencyPositiveSeparation | Determines if a space is provided between the positive monetary symbol and its monetary value. |
getCurrencySymbol | Retrieves the symbol used as the local monetary symbol. |
getCurrencyThousandSeparator | Retrieves the symbol used as the monetary separator between groups of digits to the left of the decimal. |
getCurrentThreadLocale | Retrieves the Locale object for the current thread. |
getDateSeparator | Retrieves the symbol used as the locale's date separator. |
getDayLeadingZero | Determines whether or not a leading zero is used for dates that have single digit days. |
getDayName | Retrieves the native long name for the specific day of the week. |
getDecimalGrouping | Retrieves sizes for each group of digits to the left of the decimal. |
getDecimalSeparator | Retrieves the character used as the decimal separator. |
getDefaultAnsiCodePage | Retrieves the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) code page associated with this locale. |
getDefaultCountry | Retrieves the country code for the principal country in this locale. |
getDefaultLanguage | Retrieves the language identifier for the principal language spoken in this locale. |
getDefaultMacCodePage | Retrieves the Apple Macintosh code page associated with the locale. |
getDefaultOEMCodePage | Retrieves the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) code page associated with the locale. |
getEnglishCountry | Retrieves the full English name of the country. |
getEnglishCurrencyName | Retrieves the full English name of the currency system associated with the locale. |
getEnglishLanguage | Retrieves the full English name of the language as specified by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Standard 639. |
getFirstDayOfWeek | Retrieves the day of the week that is considered the first day of the week in the current locale. |
getFirstWeekOfYear | Retrieves a value representing the first week of the year for the current locale. |
getFractionalDigits | Retrieves the number of fractional digits that can be specified for the current locale. |
getInstalledLocales | Retrieves an array of Locale objects for all of the locales that are currently installed on the computer. |
getIntlCurrencyFractionalDigits | Retrieves the number of fractional digits that are used in the local monetary format. |
getIntlCurrencySymbol | Retrieves the three characters of the international monetary symbol specified in ISO 4217. |
getISO3116CountryName | Retrieves the country name as defined by the International Standards Organization's (IS0) 3116 standard. |
getISO639LanguageName | Retrieves the language name as defined by the International Standards Organization's (ISO) 639 standard. |
getLanguage | Retrieves the full localized name of the language. |
getLanguageId | Retrieves the language identifier indicating the language of the current locale. |
getLCID | Retrieves the LCID that the Locale object represents. |
getLeadingZero | Determines whether or not a leading zero is specified for decimal values. |
getListSeparator | Retrieves the character used to separate list items in the current locale. |
getLongDateFormatString | Retrieves the long date formatting string for this locale. |
getLongDateOrder | Retrieves the long date format order. |
getMeasurementSystem | Retrieves the system of measurement used in the current locale. |
getMonthLeadingZero | Determines whether or not a leading zero is specified in month fields in a date. |
getMonthName | Retrieves the native long name for a specific month. |
getNativeCountry | Retrieves the native name of the country. |
getNativeCurrencyName | Retrieves the native name of the currency system associated with the locale. |
getNativeDigits | Retrieves the native equivalents to the ASCII characters 0 through 9 used in the current locale. |
getNativeLanguage | Retrieves the native name of the language used in the current locale. |
getNegativeCurrencyMode | Retrieves the negative currency format for the current locale. |
getNegativeNumberMode | Retrieves the negative number format for the current locale. |
getNegativePosition | Retrieves the formatting index for negative values. |
getNegativeSign | Retrieves the value of the negative sign. |
getOptionalCalendarType | Provides additional calendar types. |
getParentLocale | Provides the parent locale for the thread calling this method. |
getPMTimeMark | Retrieves the PM designator. |
getPositiveCurrencyMode | Retrieves the positive currency mode. |
getPositivePosition | Retrieves the formatting index for positive values. |
getPositiveSign | Retrieves the value of the positive sign. |
getShortDateFormatString | Retrieves a short date formatting string for this locale. |
getShortDateOrder | Retrieves a short date format-ordering specifier. |
getSortId | Retrieves the SortID for this locale. |
getSupportedLocales | Retrieves an array of all the locales that are currently supported by the system. |
getSystemDefaultLocale | Retrieves the system's default locale. |
getThousandSeparator | Retrieves the symbol used to separate groups of digits to the left of the decimal. |
getTimeFormat | Retrieves the time format specifier. |
getTimeFormatString | Retrieves a String describing the time formatting for this thread's locale. |
getTimeLeadingZero | Retrieves information that specifies whether or not there are leading zeros in the hour position for a time field. |
getTimeMarkPosition | Retrieves an integer value indication where the TimeMark(AM/PM) is placed. |
getTimeSeparator | Retrieves the symbol used for the time separator. |
getUserDefaultLocale | Retrieves the symbol for the default user locale. |
getYearMonthFormatString | Retrieves information for formatting the Year/Month for the locale. |
setAMTimeMark | Sets a String with the AM designator. |
setCalendarType | Sets the current calendar type. |
setCompareIgnoreCase | Sets the case sensitivity of string comparisons. |
setCompareIgnoreKana | Sets the kana sensitivity of string comparisons. |
setCompareIgnoreKashida | Sets the kashida sensitivity of string comparisons. |
setCompareIgnoreNonSpace | Sets the nonspacing character sensitivity of string comparisons. |
setCompareIgnoreSymbols | Sets the symbol sensitivity of string comparisons. |
setCompareIgnoreWidth | Sets the width sensitivity of string comparisons. |
setCurrencyDecimalGrouping | Sets the size for each group of monetary digits to the left of the decimal. |
setCurrencyDecimalSeparator | Sets the symbol to be used as the monetary decimal separator. |
setCurrencyFractionalDigits | Sets the number of fractional digits used by the local monetary format. |
setCurrencySymbol | Sets the symbol to be used as the local monetary symbol. |
setCurrencyThousandSeparator | Sets the symbol used as the monetary separator between groups of digits to the left of the decimal. |
setDateSeparator | Sets the String to be used as the date separator. |
setDecimalGrouping | Set the number of digits for each group of digits to the left of the decimal. |
setDecimalSeparator | Sets the value to be used for the decimal separator. |
setFirstDayOfWeek | Sets which day to use as the first day in a week. |
setFirstWeekOfYear | Sets the criteria for determing which week to use as the first week of the year. |
setFractionalDigits | Sets the number of digits to the right of the decimal. |
setLeadingZero | Sets whether or not leading zeros will be in the decimal fields. |
setListSeparator | Sets the symbol to used to separate items in a list. |
setLongDateFormatString | Sets the long date formatting string for this locale. |
setMeasurementSystem | Sets the system of measurement to be used. |
setNegativeCurrencyMode | Sets the mode to use when displaying negative currency values. |
setNegativeNumberMode | Sets the format to use to display negative numbers. |
setNegativeSign | Sets the value describing the negative sign. |
setPMTimeMark | Sets the value to be used as the PM designator. |
setPositiveCurrencyMode | Sets the format used to display positive currency values. |
setPositiveSign | Sets a value that describes the positive sign. |
setShortDateFormatString | Sets the short date formatting string for this locale. |
setThousandSeparator | Sets the value used to separate groups of digits to the left of the decimal. |
setTimeFormat | Sets the time-format specifier. |
setTimeFormatString | Sets the format string used to display time for this locale. |
setTimeSeparator | Sets the symbol to use for the time separator. |
setYearMonthFormatString | Sets the Year/Month formatting string for the locale. |