ResourceManager Methods

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ResourceManager Methods

Constructors Description
ResourceManager Creates a ResourceManager object.

Methods Description
containsProperty Determines whether the specified property is stored for a given locale.

flush Releases any cached resource data.

getBaseName Retrieves the base name of the resource files.

getBoolean Retrieves a boolean value for the specified property.

getByte Retrieves a byte value for the specified property.

getChar Retrieves a character for the specified property.

getDouble Retrieves a double value for the specified property.

getExtension Retrieves the extension for resource file names.

getFloat Retrieves a float value for the specified property.

getInt Retrieves an integer for the specified property.

getLocaleFileNameFromBase Determines the localized name of a resource file.

getLong Retrieves a long value for the specified property.

getNames Retrieves the names of all properties for a given locale.

getObject Retrieves the value of the specified property.

getProperties Retrieves the values of all properties for a given locale.

getProperty Retrieves the value of the specified property for the current locale.

getResource Loads a binary resource file for the specified class.

getResourceLoader Retrieves the resource loader associated with this resource manager.

getResourceSet Retrieves the resource set that is storing the properties for the specified locale.

getShort Retrieves a short value for the specified property.

getString Retrieves a string for the specified property.

getValidData Determines whether the specified value can be stored as a resource property.

save Saves this resource manager to a stream.

saveAllProperties Saves all properties for all locales to disk.

setBaseName Sets the base name of the resource files.

setProperty Sets the value of the specified property.

setResourceLoader Sets the resource loader to be associated with this resource manager.

setResourceSet Sets the resource set that will store the properties for the specified locale.

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