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DataNavigator Class

Allows the user to change the current record in an ADO recordset.



public class DataNavigator


To bind the DataNavigator control to a recordset, set its dataSource property (and optionally, the dataMember property). Typically, you use the DataNavigator control in conjunction with the DataBinder control. The DataBinder control binds the property of another control to a field in the recordset. This property obtains data from the recordset's current record, which is initially the first record. In order for the user to move to another record, use a DataNavigator control that is bound to the same recordset.

The DataNavigator control provides four buttons that allow the user to navigate the recordset:

Button Navigation Direction
<< Move to the first record.
< Move to the previous record.
> Move to the next record.
>> Move to the last record.

For information about using the DataNavigator control in the Forms Designer, see Navigating Records.