DhEventInfo Methods

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DhEventInfo Methods

Methods Description
cancelBubble All event sources in HTML trigger the same events all the way up their containment hierarchy. Calling this method tells the HTML document to stop event bubbling.

getChar Tests for the presence of any key and returns that keypress.

getClientPoint Retrieves the current position of the mouse relative to the parent client area.

getDocument Retrieves the document object on which this event was triggered.

getFromElement Retrieves the element that the mouse was on before the mouseEnter or mouseLeave event.

getMouseButton Tests for mouse button events.

getOffsetPoint Retrieves the current position of the mouse relative to the element's client area.

getPeer Retrieves the underlying HTML peer element for this class.

getPoint Retrieves the current position of the mouse relative to the document client.

getReturnValue Determines whether return data has been set.

getScreenPoint Retrieves the current position of the mouse relative to the desktop.

getSource Retrieves the original source of the event.

getToElement Retrieves the element that the mouse was on following the mouseEnter or mouseLeave event.

isAltKey Tests for the ALT key.

isCtrlKey Tests for the CTRL key.

isShiftKey Tests for the SHIFT key.

setChar Sets the currently pressed key.

setReturnValue Sets return data for the event.

toString Converts this event object to a string.