DhImage Methods

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DhImage Methods

Constructors Description
DhImage Creates a DhImage object.

Methods Description
addHotSpot Adds a DhHotSpot object to this image.

addOnAbort Assigns a delegate to the abort event.

addOnError Assigns a delegate to the error event.

addOnGotFocus Assigns a delegate to the gotFocus event.

addOnLoad Assigns a delegate to the load event.

addOnLostFocus Assigns a delegate to the lostFocus event.

addOnReadyStateChange Assigns a delegate to the readyStateChange event.

getHotSpots Retrieves an array of the DhHotSpot objects contained in this image.

getLoadComplete Determines whether the image has been fully loaded.

getReadyState Returns the current state of the image object.

getSize Retrieves the size of the displayed image.

getURL Retrieves the current URL that refers to the location of the image file.

removeHotSpot Removes the specified DhHotSpot from the image.

removeOnAbort Removes the delegate that is assigned to the abort event.

removeOnError Removes the delegate that is assigned to the error event.

removeOnGotFocus Removes the delegate that is assigned to the gotFocus event.

removeOnLoad Removes the delegate that is assigned to the load event.

removeOnLostFocus Removes the delegate that is assigned to the lostFocus event.

removeOnReadyStateChange Removes the delegate that is assigned to the readyStateChange event.

setURL Sets the URL of the image file.