DhStyleBase Methods

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DhStyleBase Methods

Methods Description
dispose Frees all resources associated with this element.

getBackColor Retrieves the background color property.

getBorderInfo Retrieves the DhBorderInfo class with information about the current border state.

getBounds Retrieves the position and size of the element.

getClipRect Retrieves the current clipping rectangle.

getCSSStyleInt Retrieves the style number of the cascading style sheet.

getCSSStyleString Retrieves the style of the cascading style sheet.

getCSSStyleText Retrieves the underlying text string in the cascading style sheet.

getCursor Retrieves the cursor style for this element.

getCursorString Retrieves the cursor style for this element.

getFont Retrieves the current font.

getForeColor Retrieves the text foreground color property.

getHeightUnit Retrieves the height unit.

getLeftUnit Retrieves the left position unit.

getLocation Retrieves the position (or location) of the element.

getMarginWidthInfo Retrieves a DhMarginWidthInfo class describing the current margin settings for this element.

getPaddingWidthInfo Retrieves a DhPaddingWidthInfo class describing the current padding width settings for this element.

getPosAbsolute Determines whether the position style in the cascading style sheet is set to absolute.

getPosRelative Determines whether the position style in the cascading style sheet is set to relative.

getSize Retrieves the size of the element.

getTextAlign Retrieves the current text alignment setting.

getTextVerticalAlign Retrieves the current text alignment setting.

getTopUnit Retrieves the top position unit.

getVisible Retrieves the visibility state of this element.

getWidthUnit Retrieves the width unit.

getZIndex Retrieves the z-index (layering) ordering of this element with respect to its container.

hasStyleText Determines whether an underlying cascading style sheet text string exists for the style.

invoke Executes the specified delegate on the thread that owns this element's underlying peer.

resetBackColor Resets the background color to the default inherited setting.

resetBorder Clears the current border settings.

resetClip Resets the clipping region to the default inherited setting.

resetCursor Resets the current cursor style to the default.

resetFont Clears any font settings from the element and allows them to be inherited.

resetForeColor Resets the foreground color to the default inherited setting.

resetLocation Clears the location and allows the element to be positioned by the layout engine (usually Microsoft Internet Explorer).

resetMargin Clears the current margin settings.

resetPadding Clears the current padding settings.

resetSize Clears any size attributes and allows the element to be sized by the layout engine (usually Microsoft Internet Explorer).

resetTextAlign Clears any existing text alignment property.

resetTextVerticalAlign Clears any existing vertical text alignment property.

resetZIndex Clears any z-index setting.

setBackColor Sets the background color of the element.

setBorder Sets border values for all sides of the item.

setBorderColor Sets the border color to the specified Color value.

setBorderInfo Updates the border styles for this element.

setBorderStyle Sets the style to specified value constant.

setBorderWidth Sets the border width to the value and unit specified.

setBounds Sets the position and size of the element.

setClip Sets the clipping rectangle.

setCSSStyle Sets the style by its cascading style sheet's string value.

setCSSStyleInt Sets the style by its cascading style sheet's integer value.

setCSSStyleText Modifies the read-only style settings of an element on the page.

setCursor Sets the cursor style for this element.

setFont Sets the font value for this element.

setForeColor Sets the text color (and other foreground objects).

setHeightUnit Sets the height of the element.

setLeftUnit Sets the left position of the element.

setLocation Sets the position of the element.

setMarginWidth Sets the width of all the margins to the specified value.

setMarginWidthInfo Sets the margins widths.

setPaddingWidth Sets the width of all paddings to the specified value.

setPaddingWidthInfo Sets the padding widths according to those in the DhPaddingWidthInfo class.

setPosAbsolute Sets the cascading style sheet's position style to absolute.

setPosRelative Sets the cascading style sheet's position style to relative.

setSize Sets the size of the element.

setTextAlign Sets the text alignment style.

setTextVerticalAlign Sets the text vertical alignment style.

setTopUnit Sets the top position of the element.

setVisible Sets the visiblility of the element.

setWidthUnit Sets the width of the element.

setZIndex Sets the z-index (layering) order of this element relative to the other elements in its container.

shouldPersistBackColor Determines whether the background color will be persisted.

shouldPersistBorder Determines whether the border settings will be persisted.

shouldPersistClip Determines whether the clipping region should be persisted.

shouldPersistFont Determines whether the font settings will be persisted.

shouldPersistForeColor Determines whether the foreground color will be persisted.

shouldPersistMargin Determines whether the margin settings will be persisted.

shouldPersistPadding Determines whether the padding settings will be persisted.