IDataStream Methods

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IDataStream Methods

Methods Description
getComStream Retrieves a COM-compatible IStream object for this stream.

readBoolean Reads a single byte from this stream.

readByte Reads a byte from this stream.

readBytes Reads the specified number of bytes from this stream into a byte array.

readChar Reads a character from this stream.

readChars Reads the specified number of characters from this stream into a character array.

readDouble Reads a double value from this stream. 

readDoubles Reads the specified number of double values from this stream into a double array.

readFloat Reads a float value from this stream.

readFloats Reads a specified number of float values from this stream into a float array.

readInt Reads an integer from this stream.

readInts Reads the specified number of integers from this stream into an integer array.

readLong Reads a long value from this stream.

readLongs Reads a specified number of long integers from this stream into a long integer array.

readShort Reads a short value from this stream.

readShorts Reads the specified number of short integers from this stream into a short integer array.

readString Reads a length-prefixed Unicode string from this stream.

readStringChars Reads a Unicode string from this stream.

readStringCharsAnsi Reads an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) string from this stream.

readStringNull Reads a null-terminated Unicode string from this stream.

readStringNullAnsi Reads a null-terminated ANSI string from this stream.

readToEnd Reads all data from the current position to the end of this stream into a byte array.

readUTF Reads a string from this stream using a length-prefixed UTF-8 format.

writeBoolean Writes a boolean value to this stream.

writeByte Writes a byte to this stream.

writeBytes Writes the contents of the specified byte array to this stream.

writeChar Writes a character to this stream.

writeChars Writes the contents of the specified character array to this stream.

writeDouble Writes a double value to this stream.

writeDoubles Writes the contents of the specified double array to this stream.

writeFloat Writes a float value to this stream.

writeFloats Writes the contents of the specified float array to this stream.

writeInt Writes an integer value to this stream.

writeInts Writes the contents of the specified integer array to this stream.

writeLong Writes a long integer to this stream.

writeLongs Writes the contents of the specified long integer array to this stream.

writeShort Writes a short integer to this stream.

writeShorts Writes the contents of the specified short integer array to this stream.

writeString Writes a length-prefixed Unicode string to this stream.

writeStringChars Writes a Unicode string to this stream.

writeStringCharsAnsi Writes an ANSI string to this stream.

writeStringNull Writes a null-terminated Unicode string to this stream.

writeStringNullAnsi Writes a null-terminated ANSI string to this stream.

writeUTF Writes a string to this stream using a length-prefixed UTF-8 format.