Overview | Methods | This Package | All Packages
Fields | Description |
ACTIVEBORDER | Represents a Brush object that is the color of the active window border. |
ACTIVECAPTION | Represents a Brush object that is the color of the active caption bar. |
APPWORKSPACE | Represents a Brush object that is the color of the application workspace window. |
CONTROL | Represents a Brush object that is the color of controls. |
CONTROLDARK | Represents a Brush object that is the color of the shadow portion of a 3D element. |
CONTROLDARKDARK | Represents a Brush object that is the color of the darkest portion of a 3D element. |
CONTROLLIGHT | Represents a Brush object that is the color of the highlighted portion of a 3D element. |
CONTROLLIGHTLIGHT | Represents a Brush object that is the color of the lightest part of a 3D element. |
DESKTOP | Represents a Brush object that is the current color of the desktop. |
HALFTONE | Represents a Brush object that is the color of a standard halftone brush. |
HIGHLIGHT | Represents a Brush object that is the color of the background of highlighted elements. |
HOLLOW | Represents a hollow brush. |
HOTTRACK | Represents a Brush object that is the color used to indicate hot tracking. |
INACTIVEBORDER | Represents a Brush object that is the color of an inactive window border. |
INACTIVECAPTION | Represents a Brush object that is the color of an inactive caption bar. |
INFO | Represents a Brush object that is the color of the background of an information ToolTip. |
MENU | Represents a Brush object that is the color of the menu background. |
NULL | Represents a null brush. |
SCROLLBAR | Represents a Brush object that is the color of a scrollbar background. |
WINDOW | Represents a Brush object that is the color of the window background. |