CheckedListBox Methods

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CheckedListBox Methods

Constructors Description
CheckedListBox Creates a CheckedListBox control.

Methods Description
addItem Adds an item to the checked list box.

addOnItemCheck Assigns a delegate to the itemCheck event.

getCheckedIndices Retrieves an array that contains the zero-based indices of all items with checked check boxes.

getCheckOnClick Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether clicking an item in the list both selects the item and toggles the state of its check box or whether one click selects the item and a second click toggles the check box state.

getItemCheck Retrieves a value indicating whether a check box for the specified item is checked, unchecked, or indeterminate.

getItemChecked Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the check box for the specified item is checked.

getThreeDCheckBoxes Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the check boxes for the list items have a three-dimensional appearance.

removeAll Removes all items from the list box.

removeOnItemCheck Removes the delegate that is assigned to the itemCheck event.

setCheckOnClick Sets a boolean value indicating whether clicking an item in the list both selects the item and toggles the state of its check box or whether one click selects the item and a second click toggles the check box state.

setItemCheck Sets a value indicating the check state of the a check box for the specified item.

setSelectionMode Sets a value indicating whether the user can select items in the list box.

setThreeDCheckBoxes Sets a boolean value indicating whether the check boxes for the list items have a three-dimensional appearance.

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