
Overview | Methods | This Package | All Packages


Sets the starting position of the text selection in the edit control of the combo box.


public final void setSelectionStart( int value )



The zero-based index of the first character to include in the text selection in the edit control of the combo box. For example, to select the third through fifth characters in the edit control (with zero-based indexes 2 through 4), set this value to 2, and set the value parameter of the setSelectionEnd method to 5. To place the cursor in the edit control without selecting text, specify the same value for both the getSelectionStart method and the getSelectionEnd method. For example, to place the cursor between the third and fourth characters, pass the value 3 to both methods. If the combo box has a static text control instead of an edit control, calling this method has no effect.

See Also   getSelectionStart

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