Overview | Fields | This Package | All Packages
Constructors | Description |
Control | Creates a Control object. |
Methods | Description |
add | Adds a child control to this control. |
addOnClick | Assigns a delegate to the click event. |
addOnCreateHandle | Assigns a delegate to the createHandle event. |
addOnDestroyHandle | Assigns a delegate to the destroyHandle event. |
addOnDoubleClick | Assigns a delegate to the doubleClick event. |
addOnDragDrop | Assigns a delegate to the dragDrop event. |
addOnDragEnter | Assigns a delegate to the dragEnter event. |
addOnDragLeave | Assigns a delegate to the dragLeave event. |
addOnDragOver | Assigns a delegate to the dragOver event. |
addOnEnter | Assigns a delegate to the enter event. |
addOnGiveFeedback | Assigns a delegate to the giveFeedback event. |
addOnGotFocus | Assigns a delegate to the gotFocus event. |
addOnHelp | Assigns a delegate to the help event. |
addOnKeyDown | Assigns a delegate to the keyDown event. |
addOnKeyPress | Assigns a delegate to the keyPress event. |
addOnKeyUp | Assigns a delegate to the keyUp event. |
addOnLayout | Assigns a delegate to the layout event. |
addOnLeave | Assigns a delegate to the leave event. |
addOnLostFocus | Assigns a delegate to the lostFocus event. |
addOnMouseDown | Assigns a delegate to the mouseDown event. |
addOnMouseEnter | Assigns a delegate to the mouseEnter event. |
addOnMouseLeave | Assigns a delegate to the mouseLeave event. |
addOnMouseMove | Assigns a delegate to the mouseMove event. |
addOnMouseUp | Assigns a delegate to the mouseUp event. |
addOnMouseWheel | Assigns a delegate to the mouseWheel event. |
addOnMove | Assigns a delegate to the move event. |
addOnPaint | Assigns a delegate to the paint event. |
addOnQueryContinueDrag | Assigns a delegate to the queryContinueDrag event. |
addOnResize | Assigns a delegate to the resize event. |
assignParent | Assigns a new parent control. |
bringToFront | Brings this control to the front of the z-order. |
canFocus | Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether this control can receive the focus. |
canSelect | Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether this control can be selected. |
contains | Retrieves a value indicating whether the specified control is a child of this control. |
createControl | Forces the creation of the control, including the creation of the control handle and any child controls. |
createGraphics | Creates a Graphics object that can be used to draw in the client area of the control. |
createHandle | Creates a handle for this control. |
createWindowGraphics | Creates a Graphics object that can be used to draw in the entire window of the control rather than just the client area of the control. |
destroyHandle | This method should be called only by the framework. Destroys the handle associated with this control. |
dispose | Frees all resources allocated for this control. |
doDragDrop | Begins a drag-and-drop operation. |
finalize | Terminates the control window and releases the window handle. |
fireDragEvent | Triggers a drag event. |
fireKeyEvent | Triggers a key event. |
fireMouseEvent | Triggers a mouse event. |
focus | Attempts to set the focus to this control and activate the form that contains this control, and returns a boolean value indicating whether the attempt succeeded. |
fromChildHandle | Returns the control that contains the specified handle. |
fromHandle | Returns the control that is currently associated with the specified handle. |
getAcceptsChildren | Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether this control can contain child controls. |
getAllowDrop | Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether this control can accept data that the user drags and drops into it. |
getAnchor | Retrieves a value indicating which edges of the control are anchored to the edges of its container. |
getBackColor | Retrieves the background color for this control. |
getBottom | Retrieves the distance between the bottom edge of the control and the top edge of its container's client area. |
getBounds | Retrieves the bounding rectangle for the control. |
getBrush | Retrieves the brush for this control. |
getCapture | Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether this control has captured the mouse. |
getChildAtPoint | Retrieves the child control that is located at the specified coordinates. |
getClientRect | Retrieves the rectangle that represents the client area of the control. |
getClientSize | Retrieves the height and width of the client area of the control. |
getContextMenu | Retrieves the shortcut menu (also known as a context menu) associated with this control. |
getControl | Retrieves the child control with the specified zero-based index within the parent's control array. |
getControlCount | Retrieves the number of child controls this control contains. |
getControlIndex | Retrieves the zero-based index of this control within the parent control array. |
getControls | Retrieves an array of the child controls contained in this control. |
getCreated | Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the control has been created. |
getCreateParams | Retrieves the information used to create the handle for this control. |
getCursor | Retrieves the cursor that is displayed when the user moves the mouse pointer over this control. |
getDisplayRect | Retrieves the rectangle that represents the display area of the control. |
getDock | Retrieves a value indicating which edge of its container this control is docked to. |
getEnabled | Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether this control is enabled. |
getFocused | Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the control has the focus. |
getFont | Retrieves the current font for this control, which is the font the control uses to draw its text. |
getForeColor | Retrieves the current foreground color for this control, which is the color the control uses to draw its text. |
getForm | Retrieves the form that this control is on. |
getHandle | Retrieves the window handle (HWND) that this control is bound to. |
getHandleCreated | Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether this control has a handle associated with it. |
getHeight | Retrieves the height of this control. |
getInputChar | Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the control processes the specified character itself. |
getInputKey | Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the control processes the specified keyboard input. |
getInvokeRequired | Determines whether the caller must call invoke when making method calls to this control. |
getLeft | Retrieves the distance between the left edge of the control and the left edge of its container's client area. |
getLocation | Retrieves coordinates of the upper-left corner of the control relative to the upper-left corner of its container's client area. |
getMnemonic | Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the specified character is the mnemonic character in the specified string. |
getModifierKeys | Retrieves a value indicating the current state of the SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT keys. |
getMouseButtons | Retrieves a value indicating the current state of the left, right, and middle mouse buttons. |
getMousePosition | Retrieves the current position of the mouse in screen coordinates. |
getNextControl | Retrieves the control that follows or precedes the specified control in the tab order. |
getPalette | Retrieves the palette associated with this control. |
getParent | Retrieves the parent of this control. |
getRecreatingHandle | Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the control is currently re-creating its handle. |
getRegion | Retrieves the region (the elliptical or polygonal area within a window) associated with this control. |
getRight | Retrieves the distance between the right edge of the control and the left edge of its container's client area. |
getSize | Retrieves the height and width of the control. |
getStyle | Retrieves the current value of the specified bit field in the control's style property. |
getTabIndex | Retrieves the tab order of this control within the parent form. |
getTabList | Retrieves all the child controls included in the tab order. |
getTabStop | Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the user can give the focus to this control using the TAB key. |
getText | Retrieves the text associated with this control. |
getTop | Retrieves the distance between the top edge of the control and the top edge of its container's client area. |
getTopLevel | Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether this control is a top-level window (a window that has no parent window). |
getTopLevelControl | Retrieves the top-level control that contains this control. |
getVisible | Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether this control is visible. |
getWidth | Retrieves the width of this control. |
hide | Hides the control by setting the visible property to false. |
invalidate | Invalidates the specified part of the control (adds it to the control's update region, which is the area that will be repainted at the next paint operation), and causes a paint message to be sent to the control. |
invoke | Executes the specified delegate on the thread that created the control's handle and returns when the delegate has completed execution. |
invokeAsync | Executes the specified delegate on the thread that created the control's handle and returns immediately (because the delegate is invoked asynchronously). |
onClick | Triggers the click event. |
onCreateHandle | Triggers the createHandle event. |
onDestroyHandle | Triggers the destroyHandle event. |
onDoubleClick | Triggers the doubleClick event. |
onDragDrop | Triggers the dragDrop event. |
onDragEnter | Triggers the dragEnter event. |
onDragLeave | Triggers the dragLeave event. |
onDragOver | Triggers the dragOver event. |
onEnter | Triggers the enter event. |
onEraseBackground | Triggers the eraseBackground event. |
onGiveFeedback | Triggers the giveFeedback event. |
onGotFocus | Triggers the gotFocus event. |
onHelp | Triggers the help event. |
onKeyDown | Triggers the keyDown event. |
onKeyPress | Triggers the keyPress event. |
onKeyUp | Triggers the keyUp event. |
onLayout | Triggers the layout event. |
onLeave | Triggers the leave event. |
onLostFocus | Triggers the lostFocus event. |
onMouseDown | Triggers the mouseDown event. |
onMouseEnter | Triggers the mouseEnter event. |
onMouseLeave | Triggers the mouseLeave event. |
onMouseMove | Triggers the mouseMove event. |
onMouseUp | Triggers the mouseUp event. |
onMouseWheel | Triggers the mouseWheel event. |
onMove | Triggers the move event. |
onPaint | Triggers the paint event. |
onQueryContinueDrag | Triggers the queryContinueDrag event. |
onResize | Triggers the resize event. |
performLayout | Forces the control to apply layout logic to all its child controls. |
pointToClient | Converts the coordinates of a point from screen coordinates to client coordinates. |
pointToScreen | Converts the coordinates of a point from client coordinates to screen coordinates. |
preProcessMessage | This method is called by the application's message loop to preprocess input messages before they are dispatched. |
processCmdKey | Processes a command key. |
processDialogChar | Processes a dialog character, checking for mnemonics, and forwards the appropriate messages. |
processDialogKey | Processes a dialog key, checking for mnemonics, tabs, and arrows, and forwards the appropriate messages. |
processKeyEvent | Processes a key message and generates the appropriate control events. |
processKeyMessage | Processes a key message. |
processKeyPreview | Processes key preview messages. |
processMnemonic | Processes a mnemonic character. |
propertyChanged | This method is called by the control when any property changes. |
recreateHandle | Forces the re-creation of the handle for this control. |
rectToClient | Converts the coordinates of a rectangle from screen coordinates to client coordinates. |
rectToScreen | Converts the coordinates of a rectangle from client coordinates to screen coordinates. |
reflectMessage | Reflects the specified message to the control that is bound to the specified handle. |
remove | Removes the specified child control from this control. |
removeOnClick | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the click event. |
removeOnCreateHandle | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the createHandle event. |
removeOnDestroyHandle | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the destroyHandle event. |
removeOnDoubleClick | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the doubleClick event. |
removeOnDragDrop | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the dragDrop event. |
removeOnDragEnter | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the dragEnter event. |
removeOnDragLeave | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the dragLeave event. |
removeOnDragOver | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the dragOver event. |
removeOnEnter | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the enter event. |
removeOnGiveFeedback | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the giveFeedback event. |
removeOnGotFocus | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the gotFocus event. |
removeOnHelp | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the help event. |
removeOnKeyDown | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the keyDown event. |
removeOnKeyPress | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the keyPress event. |
removeOnKeyUp | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the keyUp event. |
removeOnLayout | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the layout event. |
removeOnLeave | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the leave event. |
removeOnLostFocus | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the lostFocus event. |
removeOnMouseDown | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the mouseDown event. |
removeOnMouseEnter | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the mouseEnter event. |
removeOnMouseLeave | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the mouseLeave event. |
removeOnMouseMove | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the mouseMove event. |
removeOnMouseUp | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the mouseUp event. |
removeOnMouseWheel | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the mouseWheel event. |
removeOnMove | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the move event. |
removeOnPaint | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the paint event. |
removeOnQueryContinueDrag | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the queryContinueDrag event. |
removeOnResize | Removes the delegate that is assigned to the resize event. |
resetBackColor | Resets the background color of the control to the parent's background color. |
resetFont | Resets the font for the control to the parent's font. |
resetForeColor | Resets the foreground color of the control to the parent's foreground color. |
resumeLayout | Resumes normal layout logic. |
scale | Scales the entire control and any child controls. |
scaleCore | Performs the work of scaling the entire control and any child controls. |
select | Activates this control. |
selectNextControl | Selects the control that follows or precedes the specified control in the tab order. |
sendMessage | Sends the specified Win32 message to this control. |
sendToBack | Sends this control to the back of the z-order. |
setAllowDrop | Sets a boolean value indicating whether this control can accept data that the user drags and drops into it. |
setAnchor | Sets a value indicating which edges of the control are anchored to the edges of its container. |
setBackColor | Sets the background color for this control. |
setBounds | Sets the bounding rectangle for the control. |
setBoundsCore | Performs the work of setting the bounds of this control. |
setBrush | Sets the brush for this control. |
setCapture | Sets a boolean value indicating whether this control has captured the mouse. |
setClientSize | Sets the height and width of the client area of the control. |
setClientSizeCore | Performs the work of setting the size of the client area of the control. |
setContextMenu | Sets the shortcut menu (also known as a context menu) associated with this control. |
setControlIndex | Sets the zero-based index of the specified child control within the parent's control array. |
setControls | Sets the array of the child controls contained in this control. |
setCursor | Sets the cursor that is displayed when the user moves the mouse pointer over this control. |
setDock | Sets a value indicating which edge of its container this control is docked to. |
setEnabled | Sets a boolean value indicating whether this control is enabled. |
setFont | Sets the font for this control, which is the font the control uses to draw its text. |
setForeColor | Sets the current foreground color for this control, which is the color the control uses to draw its text. |
setHeight | Sets the height of this control. |
setLeft | Sets the distance between the left edge of the control and the left edge of its container's client area. |
setLocation | Sets coordinates of the upper-left corner of the control relative to the upper-left corner of its container's client area. |
setNewControls | Performs the work of setting the array of the child controls contained in this control. |
setParent | Sets the parent for this control. |
setRegion | Sets the region (the elliptical or polygonal area within a window) associated with this control. |
setSize | Sets the height and width of the control. |
setStyle | Sets the value of the specified bit field in the control's style property. |
setTabIndex | Sets the tab order of this control within the parent form. |
setTabStop | Sets a boolean value indicating whether the user can give the focus to this control using the TAB key. |
setText | Sets the text associated with this control. |
setTop | Sets the distance between the top edge of the control and the top edge of its container's client area. |
setTopLevel | Sets a boolean value indicating whether this control is a top-level window (a window that has no parent window). |
setVisible | Sets a boolean value indicating whether this control is visible. |
setWidth | Sets the width of this control. |
shouldPersistBackColor | Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the background color for the control has been explicitly set. |
shouldPersistFont | Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the background color for the control has been explicitly set. |
shouldPersistForeColor | Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the background color for the control has been explicitly set. |
show | Displays the control by setting the visible property to true. |
suspendLayout | Suspends the layout logic for the control. |
update | Forces the control to paint its update region (regions that have been marked as needing repainting). |
updateBounds | Updates the bounding rectangle of the control based on the handle the control is bound to. |
updateStyles | Forces styles to be reapplied to the handle without recreating the handle. |
updateZOrder | Updates this control's position within its parent's z-order. |