Key Fields

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Key Fields

Fields Description
A Specifies the A key.

ADD Specifies the Add key.

ALT Specifies the ALT modifier key.

APPS Specifies the Application key (Microsoft Natural Keyboard).

ATTN Specifies the ATTN key.

B Specifies the B key.

BACK Specifies the BACKSPACE key.

C Specifies the C key.

CANCEL Specifies the CANCEL key.

CAPITAL Specifies the CAPS LOCK key.

CLEAR Specifies the CLEAR key.

CONTROL Specifies the CTRL modifier key.

CONTROL_KEY Specifies the CTRL key.

CRSEL Specifies the CRSEL key.

D Specifies the D key.

D0 Specifies the 0 key.

D1 Specifies the 1 key.

D2 Specifies the 2 key.

D3 Specifies the 3 key.

D4 Specifies the 4 key.

D5 Specifies the 5 key.

D6 Specifies the 6 key.

D7 Specifies the 7 key.

D8 Specifies the 8 key.

D9 Specifies the 9 key.

DECIMAL Specifies the Decimal key.

DELETE Specifies the DEL key.

DIVIDE Specifies the Divide key.

DOWN Specifies the DOWN ARROW key.

E Specifies the E key.

END Specifies the END key.

EREOF Specifies the ERASE EOF key.

ESCAPE Specifies the ESC key.

EXECUTE Specifies the EXECUTE key.

EXSEL Specifies the EXSEL key.

F Specifies the F key.

F1 Specifies the F1 key.

F10 Specifies the F10 key.

F11 Specifies the F11 key.

F12 Specifies the F12 key.

F13 Specifies the F13 key.

F14 Specifies the F14 key.

F15 Specifies the F15 key.

F16 Specifies the F16 key.

F17 Specifies the F17 key.

F18 Specifies the F18 key.

F19 Specifies the F19 key.

F2 Specifies the F2 key.

F20 Specifies the F20 key.

F21 Specifies the F21 key.

F22 Specifies the F22 key.

F23 Specifies the F23 key.

F24 Specifies the F24 key.

F3 Specifies the F3 key.

F4 Specifies the F4 key.

F5 Specifies the F5 key.

F6 Specifies the F6 key.

F7 Specifies the F7 key.

F8 Specifies the F8 key.

F9 Specifies the F9 key.

G Specifies the G key.

H Specifies the H key.

HELP Specifies the HELP key.

HOME Specifies the HOME key.

I Specifies the I key.

INSERT Specifies the INS key.

J Specifies the J key.

K Specifies the K key.

KEYCODE Specifies the bit mask to extract the key code for the key that was pressed from a key value.

L Specifies the L key.

LBUTTON Specifies the left mouse button.

LCONTROL_KEY Specifies the left CTRL key.

LEFT Specifies the LEFT ARROW key.

LMENU Specifies the left ALT key.

LSHIFT_KEY Specifies the left SHIFT key.

LWIN Specifies the left Windows logo key (Microsoft Natural Keyboard).

M Specifies the M key.

MBUTTON Specifies the middle mouse button (three-button mouse).

MENU Specifies the ALT key.

MODIFIERS Specifies the bit mask to extract information about which modifier keys were pressed from a key value.

MULTIPLY Specifies the Multiply key.

N Specifies the N key.

NEXT Specifies the PAGE DOWN key.

NONAME Specifies a constant reserved for future use.

NUMLOCK Specifies the NUM LOCK key.

NUMPAD0 Specifies the numeric keypad 0 key.

NUMPAD1 Specifies the numeric keypad 1 key.

NUMPAD2 Specifies the numeric keypad 2 key.

NUMPAD3 Specifies the numeric keypad 3 key.

NUMPAD4 Specifies the numeric keypad 4 key.

NUMPAD5 Specifies the numeric keypad 5 key.

NUMPAD6 Specifies the numeric keypad 6 key.

NUMPAD7 Specifies the numeric keypad 7 key.

NUMPAD8 Specifies the numeric keypad 8 key.

NUMPAD9 Specifies the numeric keypad 9 key.

O Specifies the O key.

OEM_CLEAR Specifies the CLEAR key.

P Specifies the P key.

PA1 Specifies the PA1 key.

PAUSE Specifies the PAUSE key.

PLAY Specifies the PLAY key.

PRINT Specifies the PRINT key.

PRIOR Specifies the PAGE UP key.


Q Specifies the Q key.

R Specifies the R key.

RBUTTON Specifies the right mouse button.

RCONTROL_KEY Specifies the right CTRL key.

RETURN Specifies the RETURN key.

RIGHT Specifies the RIGHT ARROW key.

RMENU Specifies the right ALT key.

RSHIFT_KEY Specifies the right SHIFT key.

RWIN Specifies the right Windows logo key (Microsoft Natural Keyboard).

S Specifies the S key.

SCROLL Specifies the SCROLL LOCK key.

SELECT Specifies the SELECT key.

SEPARATOR Specifies the Separator key.

SHIFT Specifies the SHIFT modifier key.

SHIFT_KEY Specifies the SHIFT key.

SNAPSHOT Specifies the PRINT SCREEN key.

SPACE Specifies the SPACEBAR key.

SUBTRACT Specifies the Subtract key.

T Specifies the T key.

TAB Specifies the TAB key.

U Specifies the U key.

UP Specifies the UP ARROW key.

V Specifies the V key.

W Specifies the W key.

X Specifies the X key.

Y Specifies the Y key.

Z Specifies the Z key.

ZOOM Specifies the ZOOM key.