Label Methods

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Label Methods

Constructors Description
Label Creates a Label control.

Methods Description
getAutoSize Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the size of the control automatically adjusts when the font is changed.

getBorderStyle Retrieves a value indicating the kind of border the label has.

getPreferredHeight Retrieves the preferred height for the label.

getTextAlign Retrieves a value indicating how text is aligned in a label.

getUseMnemonic Retrieves a value indicating whether the label interprets an ampersand (&) character in the label's text to be an access key prefix character.

setAutoSize Sets a boolean value indicating whether the size of the control automatically adjusts when the font is changed.

setBorderStyle Sets a value indicating the kind of border the label has.

setTextAlign Sets a value indicating how text is aligned in a label.

setUseMnemonic Sets a value indicating whether the label interprets an ampersand character in the label's text to be an access key prefix character.