ListView Methods

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ListView Methods

Constructors Description
ListView Creates a ListView control.

Methods Description
addColumn Adds a column to the list view control and returns the column header that appears at the top of the column.

addItem Adds an item to the list view control and returns the new item.

addOnAfterLabelEdit Assigns a delegate to the afterLabelEdit event.

addOnBeforeLabelEdit Assigns a delegate to the beforeLabelEdit event.

addOnColumnClick Assigns a delegate to the columnClick event.

addOnItemActivate Assigns a delegate to the itemActivate event.

addOnItemCheck Assigns a delegate to the itemCheck event.

addOnItemDrag Assigns a delegate to the itemDrag event.

arrangeIcons Arranges items in Large Icon or Small Icon view.

beginUpdate Maintains performance while items are added to the list view control one at a time by preventing the ListView control from painting until the endUpdate method is called.

clear Removes all items and columns from the list view control.

endUpdate Resumes painting the ListView control after painting is suspended by the beginUpdate method.

ensureVisible Ensures that the specified list item is visible, scrolling the list view control if necessary.

getActivation Retrieves a value indicating what kind of action the user must take to activate an item and what sort of feedback is given to the user to show which item the mouse pointer is over.

getAlignment Retrieves a value indicating whether items are aligned to the top or to the left of the list view control by default.

getAllowColumnReorder Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the user can drag and drop column headers to reorder columns in the list view control.

getAutoArrange Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether icons are automatically kept arranged.

getBorderStyle Retrieves a value indicating the kind of border the list view control has.

getCheckBoxes Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether a check box appears next to each item in the list view control.

getColumn Retrieves the column header for the specified column.

getColumnCount Retrieves a value indicating the number of columns that appear in the list view control in Report view.

getColumns Retrieves an array of all the column headers that appear in the list view control in Report view.

getFocusedItem Retrieves the item in the list view control that currently has the focus.

getFullRowSelect Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether clicking an item selects the item and all its subitems rather than just the item itself.

getGridLines Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether gridlines appear between the rows and columns containing the items and subitems in a list view control.

getHeaderStyle Retrieves a value indicating whether column headers are visible in Report view and, if they are visible, whether they act like buttons, allowing users to click them to carry out actions.

getHideSelection Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the selected item in the list view control remains highlighted when the control loses the focus.

getHoverSelection Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether a list control item is automatically selected when the mouse pointer remains over the item for a few seconds.

getItem Retrieves the specified item in the list view control.

getItemAt Retrieves the item at the specified location.

getItemCount Retrieves the number of items contained in the list view control.

getItemRect Retrieves the specified portion of the bounding rectangle for a list view item.

getItems Retrieves an array containing all the items in the list view control.

getItemText Retrieves the text for the specified list view item.

getLabelEdit Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the user can edit the labels of list view items.

getLabelWrap Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether item labels wrap in icon view.

getLargeImageList Retrieves the image list control associated with Large Icon view in the list view control.

getMultiSelect Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether multiple items in the list view control can be selected at one time.

getScrollable Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether a scroll bar is added to the list view control when there is not enough room to display all the list view items in the control client area.

getSelectedItems Retrieves an array containing all selected items in a list view control.

getSmallImageList Retrieves the image list control associated with all views other than Large Icon view in the list view control.

getSorting Retrieves a value indicating whether list items are sorted based on item text in ascending or descending order or whether items are not sorted.

getStateImageList Retrieves the image list control associated with application-defined states in the list view control.

getTopItem Retrieves the first visible item in a list view control.

getView Retrieves a value that indicates how data is displayed in the list view control.

insertColumn Inserts a column into the list view control at the specified position and returns the column header that appears at the top of the new column.

insertItem Inserts an item into the list view control.

onAfterLabelEdit Triggers the afterLabelEdit event.

onBeforeLabelEdit Triggers the beforeLabelEdit event.

onColumnClick Triggers the columnClick event.

onItemActivate Triggers the itemActivate event.

onItemDrag Triggers the itemDrag event.

removeAllColumns Removes all columns from the list view control.

removeAllItems Removes all items from the list view control.

removeColumn Removes the specified column from the list view control.

removeItem Removes the specified item from the list view control.

removeOnAfterLabelEdit Removes the delegate that is assigned to the afterLabelEdit event.

removeOnBeforeLabelEdit Removes the delegate that is assigned to the beforeLabelEdit event.

removeOnColumnClick Removes the delegate that is assigned to the columnClick event.

removeOnItemActivate Removes the delegate that is assigned to the itemActivate event.

removeOnItemCheck Removes the delegate that is assigned to the itemCheck event.

removeOnItemDrag Removes the delegate that is assigned to the itemDrag event.

setActivation Sets a value indicating the kind of action the user must take to activate an item and the kind of feedback that is given to the user to show which item the mouse pointer is over.

setAlignment Sets a value indicating whether items are aligned to the top or to the left of the list view control by default.

setAllowColumnReorder Sets a boolean value indicating whether the user can drag and drop column headers to reorder columns in the list view control.

setAutoArrange Sets a boolean value indicating whether icons are automatically kept arranged.

setBackColor Sets the background color for the list view control.

setBorderStyle Sets a value indicating the kind of border the list view control has.

setCheckBoxes Sets a boolean value indicating whether a check box appears next to each item in the list view control.

setColumns Adds a set of columns to the list view control.

setEnabled Sets a boolean value indicating whether this control is enabled.

setForeColor Sets the current foreground color for this control, which is the color the control uses to draw its text.

setFullRowSelect Sets a boolean value indicating whether clicking an item selects the item and all its subitems instead of selecting just the item itself.

setGridLines Sets a boolean value indicating whether gridlines appear around items and subitems.

setHeaderStyle Sets a value indicating whether column headers are visible in Report view and, if they are visible, whether they act like buttons, allowing users to click them to carry out actions.

setHideSelection Sets a boolean value indicating whether the selected item in the list view control remains highlighted when the control loses the focus.

setHoverSelection Sets a boolean value indicating whether a list control item is automatically selected when the mouse pointer remains over the item for a few seconds.

setItems Adds a set of items to the list view control.

setLabelEdit Sets a boolean value indicating whether the user can edit the labels of list view items.

setLabelWrap Sets a boolean value indicating whether item labels wrap in icon view.

setLargeImageList Sets the image list control associated with Large Icon view in the list view control.

setMultiSelect Sets a boolean value indicating whether multiple items can be selected at one time in the list view control.

setScrollable Sets a boolean value indicating whether a scroll bar is added to the list view control when there is not enough room to display all of the list view items in the control client area.

setSmallImageList Sets the image list control associated with all views other than Large Icon view in the list view control.

setSorting Sets a value indicating whether list items are sorted based on item text in ascending or descending order or whether items are not sorted.

setStateImageList Sets the image list control associated with application-defined states in the list view control.

setView Sets a value that indicates how data is displayed in the list view control.