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MenuMerge Class

Defines constants that specify how menus behave when they are merged together.



public class MenuMerge


Two elements come into play when two menus are merged:  the merge order and merge type of the items in the menu.

The merge order is a zero-based index. If, for example, one menu item has a merge order of 2 and an item from a different menu has a merge order of 1, the item with the lower merge order precedes the item with the higher order.

The merge type determines how two items are placed relative to each other when they have the same merge order. If, for example, a menu item has a merge order of MenuMerge.REPLACE, it replaces a menu item that has the same merge order on a merged menu.

To set the merge order for a menu item, call the MenuItem object's setMergeOrder method. To set the merge type, call the setMergeType method.