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Encapsulates the Save As common dialog box control that allows the user to specify options for saving a file.
public class SaveFileDialog
extends FileDialog
The following example sets options for a Save As dialog box, displays the dialog box, and stores the name the user saved the file under in a variable:
private void btnSave_click(Object source, Event e)
SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog();
sfd.setDefaultExt("java"); //sets the default extension
sfd.setValidateNames(true); //enables name validation
sfd.setCreatePrompt(true); //prompts the user to create the file if it doesn't exist
sfd.setInitialDir("c:\\program files"); //sets the initial directory
int dlgResult = sfd.showDialog();
if (dlgResult == DialogResult.OK) {
String fname = sfd.getFileName(); //gets the name the file was stored under;