Screen Methods

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Screen Methods

Methods Description
equals Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the specified object is equal to this one.

fromControl Retrieves a Screen object for the monitor that contains the largest portion of the specified control or window.

fromHwnd Retrieves a Screen object for the monitor that contains the largest portion of the specified window.

fromPoint Returns a Screen object for the monitor that contains the specified point.

fromRectangle Returns a Screen object for the monitor that contains the largest portion of a specified rectangle.

getAllScreens Retrieves an array of Screen objects that represents each monitor on the system.

getBounds Retrieves the bounds of the monitor that is closest to the specified point, or that contains the largest region of the specified rectangle or control.

getPrimary Retrieves a Screen object for the primary monitor.

getWorkingArea Retrieves the working area for the monitor that is closest to the specified point or that contains the largest region of the specified rectangle or control.

hashCode Computes and returns a hash code for this object.

toString Retrieves a human-readable string representation of this object.