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Sets a value indicating where the tabs are located in the container control.


public final void setAlignment( int alignment )



An integer that specifies where the tabs are located in the container control. Possible values are constants defined in the TabAlignment class. If the alignment property is set to TabAlignment.LEFT or TabAlignment.RIGHT, the control is treated as a multiline tab control, regardless of the value of the multiLine property. If the alignment property for this control is set to anything other than TabAlignment.TOP, tabs cannot have the appearance of flat buttons (tabs will look like three-dimensional buttons if the appearance property is set to TabAppearance.BUTTONS or TabAppearance.FLAT_BUTTONS). The default value is TabAlignment.TOP.


WFCInvalidArgumentException thrown if the specified value is not a valid TabAlignment constant.


For access keys to appear underlined in tab labels, the alignment property for this control must be set to TabAlignment.TOP or TabAlignment.BOTTOM.

See Also   getAlignment