TreeView Methods

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TreeView Methods

Constructors Description
TreeView Creates a TreeView control.

Methods Description
addNode Adds a root node to the tree view control.

addOnAfterCheck Assigns a delegate to the afterCheck event.

addOnAfterCollapse Assigns a delegate to the afterCollapse event.

addOnAfterExpand Assigns a delegate to the afterExpand event.

addOnAfterLabelEdit Assigns a delegate to the afterLabelEdit event.

addOnAfterSelect Assigns a delegate to the afterSelect event.

addOnBeforeCheck Assigns a delegate to the beforeCheck event.

addOnBeforeCollapse Assigns a delegate to the beforeCollapse event.

addOnBeforeExpand Assigns a delegate to the beforeExpand event.

addOnBeforeLabelEdit Assigns a delegate to the beforeLabelEdit event.

addOnBeforeSelect Assigns a delegate to the beforeSelect event.

addOnItemDrag Assigns a delegate to the itemDrag event.

beginUpdate Maintains performance while items are added to the tree view control one at a time by preventing the TreeView control from painting until the endUpdate method is called.

collapseAll Collapses all root nodes in the tree view control.

endUpdate Resumes painting the TreeView control after painting is suspended by the beginUpdate method.

expandAll Expands all root nodes in the tree view control.

getBorderStyle Retrieves a value indicating the kind of border the tree view control has.

getCheckBoxes Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether a check box appears next to each node in the tree view control.

getHideSelection Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the selected node in the tree view control remains highlighted when the control loses the focus.

getHotTracking Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether nodes in the tree view control are highlighted as the mouse pointer passes over them.

getImageIndex Retrieves the index of the image that appears by default next to nodes in the tree view control.

getImageList Retrieves the image list control associated with the tree view control.

getIndent Retrieves the distance, in pixels, that nodes are indented relative to their parent nodes.

getLabelEdit Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the user can edit the labels of tree view nodes.

getNode Retrieves the node at the specified zero-based index.

getNodeAt Retrieves the node at the specified location.

getNodeCount Retrieves the number of root nodes contained in the tree view control.

getNodes Retrieves an array containing all the root nodes in the tree view control.

getPathSeparator Retrieves the delimiter character used in the path returned by the TreeNode.getFullPath method.

getScrollable Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether a scroll bar is added to the tree view control when there is not enough room to display all the tree view nodes in the control's client area.

getSelectedImageIndex Retrieves the index of the image that appears next to the node that is currently selected in the tree view control.

getSelectedNode Retrieves the currently selected node in the tree view control.

getShowLines Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether a line is drawn to connect each child node to its parent node in the tree view control.

getShowPlusMinus Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether a plus (+) or minus (-) button, which allows the user to expand or collapse a node by clicking, appears next to tree nodes that have children.

getShowRootLines Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether a line is drawn to connect all the root nodes of the tree view control.

getSorted Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the nodes in the tree view control are sorted alphabetically.

getTopNode Retrieves first visible node in a tree view control.

getVisibleCount Retrieves the number of nodes that can be fully visible in the tree view control.

insertNode Inserts the specified node into the tree view control as a root node at the specified position.

onAfterCheck Triggers the afterCheck event.

onAfterCollapse Triggers the afterCollapse event.

onAfterExpand Triggers the afterExpand event.

onAfterLabelEdit Triggers the afterLabelEdit event.

onAfterSelect Triggers the afterSelect event.

onBeforeCheck Triggers the beforeCheck event.

onBeforeCollapse Triggers the beforeCollapse event.

onBeforeExpand Triggers the beforeExpand event.

onBeforeLabelEdit Triggers the beforeLabelEdit event.

onBeforeSelect Triggers the beforeSelect event.

onCreateHandle Triggers the createHandle event.

onItemDrag Triggers the itemDrag event.

removeAll Remove all nodes from the tree view control.

removeOnAfterCheck Removes the delegate that is assigned to the afterCheck event.

removeOnAfterCollapse Removes the delegate that is assigned to the afterCollapse event.

removeOnAfterExpand Removes the delegate that is assigned to the afterExpand event.

removeOnAfterLabelEdit Removes the delegate that is assigned to the afterLabelEdit event.

removeOnAfterSelect Removes the delegate that is assigned to the afterSelect event.

removeOnBeforeCheck Removes the delegate that is assigned to the beforeCheck event.

removeOnBeforeCollapse Removes the delegate that is assigned to the beforeCollapse event.

removeOnBeforeExpand Removes the delegate that is assigned to the beforeExpand event.

removeOnBeforeLabelEdit Removes the delegate that is assigned to the beforeLabelEdit event.

removeOnBeforeSelect Removes the delegate that is assigned to the beforeSelect event.

removeOnItemDrag Removes the delegate that is assigned to the itemDrag event.

resetIndent Resets the indentation to the system default.

setBorderStyle Sets a value indicating the kind of border the tree view control has.

setCheckBoxes Sets a boolean value indicating whether a check box appears next to each node in the tree view control.

setHideSelection Sets a boolean value indicating whether the selected node in the tree view control remains highlighted when the control loses the focus.

setHotTracking Sets a boolean value indicating whether nodes in the tree view control are highlighted as the mouse pointer passes over them.

setImageIndex Sets the index of the image that appears by default next to nodes in the tree view control.

setImageList Sets the image list control associated with the tree view control.

setIndent Sets the distance, in pixels, that nodes are indented relative to their parent nodes.

setLabelEdit Sets a boolean value indicating whether the user can edit the labels of tree view nodes.

setNode Replaces the node at the specified position in the tree view control.

setNodes Adds a set of root nodes to the tree view control.

setPathSeparator Sets the delimiter character used in the path returned by the TreeNode.getFullPath method.

setScrollable Sets a boolean value indicating whether a scroll bar is added to the tree view control when there is not enough room to display all the tree view nodes in the control's client area.

setSelectedImageIndex Sets the index of the image that appears next to the node that is currently selected in the tree view control.

setSelectedNode Selects the specified node in the tree view control.

setShowLines Sets a boolean value indicating whether a line connects each child node to its parent node in the tree view control.

setShowPlusMinus Sets a boolean value indicating whether a plus (+) or minus (-) button, which allows the user to expand or collapse a node by clicking, appears next to tree nodes that have children.

setShowRootLines Sets a boolean value indicating whether a line is drawn to connect all the root nodes of the tree view control.

setSorted Sets a boolean value indicating whether the nodes in the tree view control are sorted alphabetically.

shouldPersistIndent Retrieves a boolean value indicating whether the value of the indent property has been explicitly set and should therefore be persisted.