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UpDownAcceleration Class

Contains the amount that the up-down control's value changes when the user clicks an arrow button and the amount of time that elapses before the change takes effect.


public class UpDownAcceleration


An up-down control can contain an array of UpDownAcceleration objects. The value change specified by each UpDownAcceleration object takes effect after the number of seconds specified by its seconds field have elapsed and remains in effect until the value change specified by the next UpDownAcceleration object in the array takes effect.

For example, an up-down control contains three UpDownAcceleration objects by default: for the first UpDownAcceleration object, the seconds field is set to 0 (zero), and the increment field is set to 1; for the second, the seconds field is set to 2, and the increment field is set to 5; and for the third, the seconds field is set to 5, and the increment field is set to 20. This means that when the user clicks an arrow button, the value of the up-down control changes by 1. If the user clicks an arrow button and holds the mouse button down, the value of the up-down control starts to change by increments of 5 after 2 seconds and starts to change by increments of 20 after 5 seconds.