Overview | This Package | All Packages
Methods | Description |
addOnDisplayAssert | Adds an event handler to display an assertion dialog box. |
addOnDisplayMessage | Adds an event handler to display debug information to the user. |
assert | Checks for a condition and displays a message if the condition is false. |
defineSwitch | Defines a new debug switch. |
displaySwitches | Displays a list of switches that the application currently has installed. |
fail | Sets an assertion that always fails. |
getEnumText | Retrieves the text name for a value defined in an enumerator class. |
getExceptionText | Retrieves both the exception name and description and the stack trace for the specified exception. |
getObjectText | Retrieves the contents of the specified object. |
getStackTraceText | Retrieves the current stack trace for this thread. |
getSwitch | Retrieves the value for the specified switch. |
getSwitchListText | Retrieves a table of available switches that can be set. |
Prints the specified message to the current debug output mechanism. | |
printEnum | Prints the text name for the value defined in an enumerator class. |
printEnumIf | Prints the text name for a value defined in an enumerator class. |
printException | Prints both the exception name and description and the stack trace to the exception to debug output. |
printExceptionIf | Prints both the exception name and description and the stack trace to the exception to debug output. |
printIf | Prints the specified message to the current debug output mechanism. |
println | Prints the specified message to the current debug output mechanism. |
printlnIf | Prints the specified message to the current debug output mechanism. |
printObject | Prints the contents of the specified object to debug output. |
printObjectIf | Prints the contents of the specified object to debug output. |
printStackTrace | Prints a trace of the current callstack to debug output. |
printStackTraceIf | Prints a trace of the current callstack to debug output. |
printSwitchList | Prints a table of available switches that can be set. |
removeOnDisplayAssert | Removes an assertion event handler. |
removeOnDisplayMessage | Removes a print event handler. |