HashTable Methods

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HashTable Methods

Constructors Description
HashTable Creates a HashTable object.

Methods Description
clone Creates an identical copy of this HashTable object.

combine Computes a combined hash code based on two or more hash codes.

containsKey Determines whether a key is present in the current list of keys, using a hash code for lookup.

containsValue Determines whether the value is present in the current list of values. 

getEmpty Determines whether the hash table contains any items.

getKey Retrieves the key associated with the specified item.

getKeyEnumerator Retrieves an enumerator for the list of keys.

getKeys Retrieves the complete list of keys stored in the hash table. This list is not sorted.

getSize Retrieves the current number of items stored.

getValue Retrieves the object stored with the specified key.

getValueEnumerator Retrieves an enumerator for the list of values.

getValues Retrieves the complete list of values stored in the hash table. This list is not sorted.

hashCode Retrieves the hash code for the specified object.

rehash Rehashes the entire hash table, placing all items in the correct place.

removeAllValues Removes all items from the hash table.

removeValue Removes the value associated with the specified key.

setValue Stores a value in the hash table.

toString Creates a meaningful string representation of the contents of the hash table.