List Methods

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List Methods

Constructors Description
List Creates a List object.

Methods Description
addItem Adds an item to the list.

addItems Adds all items to the list.

clone Creates an identical copy of this list.

containsItem Determines whether the specified item is contained in the list.

dequeueItem Removes an item from the beginning of the list. This removes the item stored at the 0 index.

dequeueItemOrNull Removes an item from the beginning of the list. This removes the item stored at the 0 index.

enqueueItem Adds an item to the end of the list.

ensureCapacity Ensures the minimum capacity of the list.

equals Tests for equality between this list and the object.

findIndex Searches the list for the specified item.

findLastIndex Searches for an item starting from the end of the list.

getAllItems Retrieves an array containing all the items in the list.

getCapacity Retrieves the current capacity of the list. This doesn't reflect the number of items.

getEmpty Determines whether the list currently contains no items.

getItem Retrieves the item stored at the index location.

getItemEnumerator Retrieves an enumerator for all the items in the list.

getItems Retrieves an array containing the items in the list starting at the specified index for a designated number of items.

getSize Retrieves the current number of items stored in the list.

getVersion Retrieves the current version of the list.

hashCode Computes the hash code for this object.

insertItem Inserts the item at the specified position. 

insertItems Inserts items starting at the specified position.

moveItem Moves the item from the source index to the destination index.

moveItems Moves items starting from the source index to the destination index.

peekQueue Retrieves the next item in the queue without removing it from the queue. This retrieves the item at the beginning of the list.

peekStack Retrieves the topmost item in the stack without removing it. This retrieves the item at the end of the list.

popItem Retrieves and removes the topmost item in the stack.

popItemOrNull Retrieves and removes the topmost item in the stack.

pushItem Inserts an item into the stack.

removeAllItems Removes all items from the list.

removeItem Removes the specified item from the list.

removeItems Removes a number of items starting at the specified index.

reverseItems Reverses all items in the list.

setAllItems Sets all the items in the list given an array of items.

setItem Sets an item in the list to be the specified item.

setItems Sets a number of items starting at the specified index.

setSize Sets the number of items contained in the list. 

sort Sorts the entire list using the specified comparer.

toString Creates a string representation of this list.

trimToSize Removes excess space from the list, ensuring that the capacity of the list is equal to the number of items.