Name | Description |
ACTION_EVENT | This event indicates that the user wants some action to occur. |
ALT_MASK | This flag indicates that the Alt key was down when the event occurred. |
arg | An arbitrary argument of the event. |
BACK_SPACE | The BackSpace key. |
CAPS_LOCK | The Caps Lock key, a non-ASCII action key. |
clickCount | For MOUSE_DOWN events, this field indicates the number of consecutive clicks. |
CTRL_MASK | This flag indicates that the Control key was down when the event occurred. |
DELETE | The Delete key. |
DOWN | The Down Arrow key, a non-ASCII action key. |
END | The End key, a non-ASCII action key. |
ENTER | The Enter key. |
ESCAPE | The Escape key. |
evt | The next event. |
F1 | The F1 function key, a non-ASCII action key. |
F10 | The F10 function key, a non-ASCII action key. |
F11 | The F11 function key, a non-ASCII action key. |
F12 | The F12 function key, a non-ASCII action key. |
F2 | The F2 function key, a non-ASCII action key. |
F3 | The F3 function key, a non-ASCII action key. |
F4 | The F4 function key, a non-ASCII action key. |
F5 | The F5 function key, a non-ASCII action key. |
F6 | The F6 function key, a non-ASCII action key. |
F7 | The F7 function key, a non-ASCII action key. |
F8 | The F8 function key, a non-ASCII action key. |
F9 | The F9 function key, a non-ASCII action key. |
GOT_FOCUS | A component gained the focus. |
HOME | The Home key, a non-ASCII action key. |
id | Indicates which type of event the event is, and which other Event variables are relevant for the event. |
INSERT | The Insert key, a non-ASCII action key. |
key | The key code of the key that was pressed in a keyboard event. |
KEY_ACTION | The user has pressed a non-ASCII action key. |
KEY_ACTION_RELEASE | The user has released a non-ASCII action key. |
KEY_PRESS | The user has pressed a normal key. |
KEY_RELEASE | The user has released a normal key. |
LEFT | The Left Arrow key, a non-ASCII action key. |
LIST_DESELECT | An item in a list has been deselected. |
LIST_SELECT | An item in a list has been selected. |
LOAD_FILE | A file loading event. |
LOST_FOCUS | A component lost the focus. |
META_MASK | This flag indicates that the Meta key was down when the event occurred. |
modifiers | The state of the modifier keys. |
MOUSE_DOWN | The user has pressed the mouse button. |
MOUSE_DRAG | The user has moved the mouse with a button pressed. |
MOUSE_ENTER | The mouse has entered a component. |
MOUSE_EXIT | The mouse has exited a component. |
MOUSE_MOVE | The mouse has moved with no button pressed. |
MOUSE_UP | The user has released the mouse button. |
NUM_LOCK | The Num Lock key, a non-ASCII action key. |
PAUSE | The Pause key, a non-ASCII action key. |
PGDN | The Page Down key, a non-ASCII action key. |
PGUP | The Page Up key, a non-ASCII action key. |
PRINT_SCREEN | The Print Screen key, a non-ASCII action key. |
RIGHT | The Right Arrow key, a non-ASCII action key. |
SAVE_FILE | A file saving event. |
SCROLL_ABSOLUTE | The user has moved the bubble (thumb) in a scroll bar, moving to an "absolute" position, rather than to an offset from the last postion. |
SCROLL_BEGIN | The scroll begin event. |
SCROLL_END | The scroll end event. |
SCROLL_LINE_DOWN | The user has activated the line down area of a scroll bar. |
SCROLL_LINE_UP | The user has activated the line up area of a scroll bar. |
SCROLL_LOCK | The Scroll Lock key, a non-ASCII action key. |
SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN | The user has activated the page down area of a scroll bar. |
SCROLL_PAGE_UP | The user has activated the page up area of a scroll bar. |
SHIFT_MASK | This flag indicates that the Shift key was down when the event occurred. |
TAB | The Tab key. |
target | The target component. |
UP | The Up Arrow key, a non-ASCII action key. |
when | The time stamp. |
WINDOW_DEICONIFY | The user has asked the window manager to de-iconify the window. |
WINDOW_DESTROY | The user has asked the window manager to kill the window. |
WINDOW_EXPOSE | The user has asked the window manager to expose the window. |
WINDOW_ICONIFY | The user has asked the window manager to iconify the window. |
WINDOW_MOVED | The user has asked the window manager to move the window. |
x | The x coordinate of the event. |
y | The y coordinate of the event. |
Name | Description |
Event(Object, int, Object) | Creates an instance of Event with the specified target component, event type, and argument. |
Event(Object, long, int, int, int, int, int) | Creates an instance of Event, with the specified target component, time stamp, event type, x and y coordinates, keyboard key, state of the modifier keys, and an argument set to null. |
Event(Object, long, int, int, int, int, int, Object) | Creates an instance of Event with the specified target component, time stamp, event type, x and y coordinates, keyboard key, state of the modifier keys, and argument. |
Name | Description |
controlDown() | Checks if the Control key is down. |
metaDown() | Checks if the Meta key is down. |
paramString() | Returns the parameter string representing this event. |
shiftDown() | Checks if the Shift key is down. |
toString() | Returns a representation of this event's values as a string. |
translate(int, int) | Translates this event so that its x and y coordinates are increased by dx and dy, respectively. |