Rectangle Members

Rectangle Members

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Name Description
height The height of the rectangle.
width The width of the rectangle.
x The x coordinate of the rectangle.
y The y coordinate of the rectangle.

Name Description
Rectangle() Constructs a new rectangle whose top-left corner is at (0, 0) in the coordinate space, and whose width and height are zero.
Rectangle(Dimension) Constructs a new rectangle whose top left corner is (0, 0) and whose width and height are specified by the dimension argument.
Rectangle(int, int) Constructs a new rectangle whose top-left corner is at (0, 0) in the coordinate space, and whose width and height are specified by the arguments of the same name.
Rectangle(int, int, int, int) Constructs a new rectangle whose top-left corner is specified as (xy) and whose width and height are specified by the arguments of the same name.
Rectangle(Point) Constructs a new rectangle whose top-left corner is the specified point, and whose width and height are zero.
Rectangle(Point, Dimension) Constructs a new rectangle whose top-left corner is specified by the point argument, and whose width and height are specified by the dimension argument.
Rectangle(Rectangle) Constructs a new rectangle, initialized to match the values of the specificed rectangle.

Name Description
add(int, int) Adds a point, specified by the integer arguments newx and newy, to a rectangle.
add(Point) Adds a point to this rectangle.
add(Rectangle) Adds a rectangle to this rectangle.
contains(int, int) Checks whether this rectangle contains the point at the specified location (xy).
contains(Point) Checks whether this rectangle contains the specified point.
equals(Object) Checks whether two rectangles are equal.
getBounds() Gets the bounding rectangle of this rectangle.
getLocation() Returns the location of this rectangle.
getSize() Gets the size (width and height) of this rectangle.
grow(int, int) Grows the rectangle both horizontally and vertically.
hashCode() Returns the hashcode for this rectangle.
inside(int, int) Deprecated.
intersection(Rectangle) Computes the intersection of this rectangle with the specified rectangle.
intersects(Rectangle) Determines whether this rectangle and the specified rectangle intersect.
isEmpty() Determines whether this rectangle is empty.
move(int, int) Deprecated.
reshape(int, int, int, int) Deprecated.
resize(int, int) Deprecated.
setBounds(int, int, int, int) Sets the bounding rectangle of this rectangle to the specified values for x, y, width, and height.
setBounds(Rectangle) Sets the bounding rectangle of this rectangle to match the specified rectangle.
setLocation(int, int) Moves the rectangle to the specified location.
setLocation(Point) Moves the rectangle to the specified location.
setSize(Dimension) Sets the size of this rectangle to match the specified dimension.
setSize(int, int) Sets the size of this rectangle to the specified width and height.
toString() Returns a string representation of this rectangle and its values.
translate(int, int) Translates the rectangle the indicated distance, to the right along the x coordinate axis, and downward along the y coordinate axis.
union(Rectangle) Computes the union of this rectangle with the specified rectangle.