Name | Description |
ACTIVE_CAPTION | The array index for the active caption background color. |
ACTIVE_CAPTION_BORDER | The array index for the active caption border color. |
ACTIVE_CAPTION_TEXT | The array index for the action caption text color. |
activeCaption | The background color for captions in window borders. |
activeCaptionBorder | The border color for captions in window borders. |
activeCaptionText | The text color for captions in window borders. |
CONTROL | The array index for the control background color. |
control | The background color for control objects. |
CONTROL_DK_SHADOW | The array index for the control dark shadow color. |
CONTROL_HIGHLIGHT | The array index for the control highlight color. |
CONTROL_LT_HIGHLIGHT | The array index for the control light highlight color. |
CONTROL_SHADOW | The array index for the control shadow color. |
CONTROL_TEXT | The array index for the control text color. |
controlDkShadow | The dark shadow color for control objects. |
controlHighlight | The regular highlight color for control objects. |
controlLtHighlight | The light highlight color for control objects. |
controlShadow | The regular shadow color for control objects. |
controlText | The text color for control objects. |
desktop | The color of the desktop background. |
DESKTOP | The array index for the desktop background color. |
INACTIVE_CAPTION | The array index for the inactive caption background color. |
INACTIVE_CAPTION_BORDER | The array index for the inactive caption border color. |
INACTIVE_CAPTION_TEXT | The array index for the inactive caption text color. |
inactiveCaption | The background color for inactive captions in window borders. |
inactiveCaptionBorder | The border color for inactive captios in window borders. |
inactiveCaptionText | The text color for inactive captions in window borders. |
INFO | The array index for the info background color. |
info | The background color for info(help) text. |
INFO_TEXT | The array index for the info text color. |
infoText | The text color for info(help) text. |
menu | The background color for menus. |
MENU | The array index for the menu background color. |
MENU_TEXT | The array index for the menu text color. |
menuText | The text color for menus. |
NUM_COLORS | The number of system colors in the array. |
scrollbar | The background color for scrollbars. |
SCROLLBAR | The array index for the scrollbar background color. |
TEXT | The array index for the text background color. |
text | The background color for text components. |
TEXT_HIGHLIGHT | The array index for the text highlight color. |
TEXT_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT | The array index for the text highlight text color. |
TEXT_INACTIVE_TEXT | The array index for the text inactive text color. |
TEXT_TEXT | The array index for the text text color. |
textHighlight | The background color for highlighted text. |
textHighlightText | The text color for highlighted text. |
textInactiveText | The text color for inactive text. |
textText | The text color for text components. |
WINDOW | The array index for the window background color. |
window | The background color for windows. |
WINDOW_BORDER | The array index for the window border color. |
WINDOW_TEXT | The array index for the window text color. |
windowBorder | The border color for windows. |
windowText | The text color for windows. |
Name | Description |
getRGB() | Gets the "current" RGB value representing the symbolic color. |
toString() | Returns the String representation of this Color's values. |