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public void resendTopDownLeftRight( ImageProducer ip )
The ImageProducer that is feeding this instance of the filter - also the ImageProducer that the request should be forwarded to if necessary.
Responds to a request for a TopDownLeftRight (TDLR) ordered resend of the pixel data from an ImageConsumer. The ImageFilter can respond to this request in one of three ways.
  1. If the filter can determine that it will forward the pixels in TDLR order if its upstream producer object sends them in TDLR order, then the request is automatically forwarded by default to the indicated ImageProducer using this filter as the requesting ImageConsumer, so no override is necessary.
  2. If the filter can resend the pixels in the right order on its own (presumably because the generated pixels have been saved in some sort of buffer), then it can override this method and simply resend the pixels in TDLR order as specified in the ImageProducer API.
  3. If the filter simply returns from this method then the request will be ignored and no resend will occur.

See Also