Name | Description |
ObjectInputStream(InputStream) | Create an ObjectInputStream that reads from the specified InputStream. |
Name | Description |
available() | Returns the number of bytes that can be read without blocking. |
close() | Closes the input stream. |
defaultReadObject() | Read the non-static and non-transient fields of the current class from this stream. |
enableResolveObject(boolean) | Enable the stream to allow objects read from the stream to be replaced. |
read() | Reads a byte of data. |
read(byte[], int, int) | Reads into an array of bytes. |
readBoolean() | Reads in a boolean. |
readByte() | Reads an 8 bit byte. |
readChar() | Reads a 16 bit char. |
readDouble() | Reads a 64 bit double. |
readFloat() | Reads a 32 bit float. |
readFully(byte[]) | Reads bytes, blocking until all bytes are read. |
readFully(byte[], int, int) | Reads bytes, blocking until all bytes are read. |
readInt() | Reads a 32 bit int. |
readLine() | Reads in a line that has been terminated by a \n, \r, \r\n or EOF. |
readLong() | Reads a 64 bit long. |
readObject() | Read an object from the ObjectInputStream. |
readShort() | Reads a 16 bit short. |
readStreamHeader() | The readStreamHeader method is provided to allow subclasses to read and verify their own stream headers. |
readUnsignedByte() | Reads an unsigned 8 bit byte. |
readUnsignedShort() | Reads an unsigned 16 bit short. |
readUTF() | Reads a UTF format String. |
registerValidation(ObjectInputValidation, int) | Register an object to be validated before the graph is returned. |
resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass) | Subclasses may implement this method to allow classes to be fetched from an alternate source. |
resolveObject(Object) | This method will allow trusted subclasses of ObjectInputStream to substitute one object for another during deserialization. |
skipBytes(int) | Skips bytes, block until all bytes are skipped. |