ObjectInputStream Members

ObjectInputStream Members

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Name Description
ObjectInputStream(InputStream) Create an ObjectInputStream that reads from the specified InputStream.

Name Description
available() Returns the number of bytes that can be read without blocking.
close() Closes the input stream.
defaultReadObject() Read the non-static and non-transient fields of the current class from this stream.
enableResolveObject(boolean) Enable the stream to allow objects read from the stream to be replaced.
read() Reads a byte of data.
read(byte[], int, int) Reads into an array of bytes.
readBoolean() Reads in a boolean.
readByte() Reads an 8 bit byte.
readChar() Reads a 16 bit char.
readDouble() Reads a 64 bit double.
readFloat() Reads a 32 bit float.
readFully(byte[]) Reads bytes, blocking until all bytes are read.
readFully(byte[], int, int) Reads bytes, blocking until all bytes are read.
readInt() Reads a 32 bit int.
readLine() Reads in a line that has been terminated by a \n, \r, \r\n or EOF.
readLong() Reads a 64 bit long.
readObject() Read an object from the ObjectInputStream.
readShort() Reads a 16 bit short.
readStreamHeader() The readStreamHeader method is provided to allow subclasses to read and verify their own stream headers.
readUnsignedByte() Reads an unsigned 8 bit byte.
readUnsignedShort() Reads an unsigned 16 bit short.
readUTF() Reads a UTF format String.
registerValidation(ObjectInputValidation, int) Register an object to be validated before the graph is returned.
resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass) Subclasses may implement this method to allow classes to be fetched from an alternate source.
resolveObject(Object) This method will allow trusted subclasses of ObjectInputStream to substitute one object for another during deserialization.
skipBytes(int) Skips bytes, block until all bytes are skipped.