ClassLoader Members

ClassLoader Members

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Name Description
ClassLoader() Constructs a new class loader and initializes it.

Name Description
defineClass(byte[], int, int) Converts an array of bytes into an instance of class Class. Deprecated.
defineClass(String, byte[], int, int) Converts an array of bytes to an instance of class Class.
findSystemClass(String) Finds the system class with the specified name, loading it in if necessary.
getResource(String) Find a resource with a given name.
getResourceAsStream(String) Get an InputStream on a given resource.
getSystemResource(String) Find a resource with a given name.
getSystemResourceAsStream(String) Get an InputStream on a given resource..
loadClass(String) Requests the class loader to load a class with the specified name.
loadClass(String, boolean) Resolves the specified name to a Class.
resolveClass(Class) Resolves the class so that an instance of the class can be created, or so that one of its methods can be called.
setSigners(Class, Object[]) Sets the signers of a class.