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Syntax 1
public URL( String protocol, String host, int port, String file ) throws MalformedURLException
the name of the protocol.
the name of the host.
the port number.
the host file.
Creates a URL object from the specified protocol, host, port number, and file. Specifying a port number of -1 indicates that the URL should use the default port for the protocol.

If this is the first URL object being created with the specified protocol, a stream protocol handler object, an instance of class URLStreamHandler, is created for that protocol:

  1. If the application has previously set up an instance of URLStreamHandlerFactory as the stream handler factory, then the createURLStreamHandler method of that instance is called with the protocol string as an argument to create the stream protocol handler.
  2. If no URLStreamHandlerFactory has yet been set up, or if the factory's createURLStreamHandler method returns null, then the constructor finds the value of the system property:
    If the value of that system property is not null, it is interpreted as a list of packages separated by a vertical slash character '|'. The constructor tries to load the class named:
    where <package> is replaced by the name of the package and <protocol> is replaced by the name of the protocol. If this class does not exist, or if the class exists but it is not a subclass of URLStreamHandler, then the next package in the list is tried.
  3. If the previous step fails to find a protocol handler, then the constructor tries to load the class named:
    If this class does not exist, or if the class exists but it is not a subclass of URLStreamHandler, then a MalformedURLException is thrown.

MalformedURLException if an unknown protocol is specified.
See Also
getProperty, setURLStreamHandlerFactory, URLStreamHandler, createURLStreamHandler

Syntax 2
public URL( String protocol, String host, String file ) throws MalformedURLException
the protocol to use.
the host to connect to.
the file on that host.
Creates an absolute URL from the specified protocol name, host name, and file name. The default port for the specified protocol is used.

This method is equivalent to calling the four-argument constructor with the arguments being protocol, host, -1, and file.

MalformedURLException if an unknown protocol is specified.
See Also

Syntax 3
public URL( String spec ) throws MalformedURLException
the String to parse as a URL.
Creates a URL object from the String representation.

This constructor is equivalent to a call to the two-argument constructor with a null first argument.

MalformedURLException If the string specifies an unknown protocol.
See Also

Syntax 4
public URL( URL context, String spec ) throws MalformedURLException
the context in which to parse the specification.
a String representation of a URL.
Creates a URL by parsing the specification spec within a specified context. If the context argument is not null and the spec argument is a partial URL specification, then any of the strings missing components are inherited from the context argument.

The specification given by the String argument is parsed to determine if it specifies a protocol. If the String contains an ASCII colon ':' character before the first occurrence of an ASCII slash character '/', then the characters before the colon comprise the protocol.

The constructor then searches for an appropriate stream protocol handler of type URLStreamHandler as outlined for:

The stream protocol handler's parseURL method is called to parse the remaining fields of the specification that override any defaults set by the context argument.

MalformedURLException if no protocol is specified, or an unknown protocol is found.
See Also
URL, URLStreamHandler, parseURL