Name | Description |
cancel() | Cancel can be used by one thread to cancel a statement that is being executed by another thread. |
clearWarnings() | After this call, getWarnings returns null until a new warning is reported for this Statement. |
close() | In many cases, it is desirable to immediately release a Statements's database and JDBC resources instead of waiting for this to happen when it is automatically closed; the close method provides this immediate release. |
execute(String) | Execute a SQL statement that may return multiple results. |
executeQuery(String) | Execute a SQL statement that returns a single ResultSet. |
executeUpdate(String) | Execute a SQL INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement. |
getMaxFieldSize() | The maxFieldSize limit (in bytes) is the maximum amount of data returned for any column value; it only applies to BINARY, VARBINARY, LONGVARBINARY, CHAR, VARCHAR, and LONGVARCHAR columns. |
getMaxRows() | The maxRows limit is the maximum number of rows that a ResultSet can contain. |
getMoreResults() | getMoreResults moves to a Statement's next result. |
getQueryTimeout() | The queryTimeout limit is the number of seconds the driver will wait for a Statement to execute. |
getResultSet() | getResultSet returns the current result as a ResultSet. |
getUpdateCount() | getUpdateCount returns the current result as an update count; if the result is a ResultSet or there are no more results, -1 is returned. |
getWarnings() | The first warning reported by calls on this Statement is returned. |
setCursorName(String) | setCursorname defines the SQL cursor name that will be used by subsequent Statement execute methods. |
setEscapeProcessing(boolean) | If escape scanning is on (the default), the driver will do escape substitution before sending the SQL to the database. |
setMaxFieldSize(int) | The maxFieldSize limit (in bytes) is set to limit the size of data that can be returned for any column value; it only applies to BINARY, VARBINARY, LONGVARBINARY, CHAR, VARCHAR, and LONGVARCHAR fields. |
setMaxRows(int) | The maxRows limit is set to limit the number of rows that any ResultSet can contain. |
setQueryTimeout(int) | The queryTimeout limit is the number of seconds the driver will wait for a Statement to execute. |