Locale Members

Locale Members

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Name Description
CANADA Useful constant for country.
CANADA_FRENCH Useful constant for country.
CHINA Useful constant for country.
CHINESE Useful constant for language.
ENGLISH Useful constant for language.
FRANCE Useful constant for country.
FRENCH Useful constant for language.
GERMAN Useful constant for language.
GERMANY Useful constant for country.
ITALIAN Useful constant for language.
ITALY Useful constant for country.
JAPAN Useful constant for country.
JAPANESE Useful constant for language.
KOREA Useful constant for country.
KOREAN Useful constant for language.
PRC Useful constant for country.
SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE Useful constant for language.
TAIWAN Useful constant for region.
TRADITIONAL_CHINESE Useful constant for language.
UK Useful constant for country.
US Useful constant for country.

Name Description
Locale(String, String) Construct a locale from language, country.
Locale(String, String, String) Construct a locale from language, country, variant.

Name Description
clone() Overrides Cloneable
equals(Object) Compares two Objects for equality.
getCountry() Getter for programmatic name of field, an uppercased two-letter ISO-3166 code.
getDefault() Common method of getting the current default Locale.
getDisplayCountry() Getter for display of field to user.
getDisplayCountry(Locale) Getter for display of field to user.
getDisplayLanguage() Getter for display of field to user.
getDisplayLanguage(Locale) Getter for display of field to user.
getDisplayName() Getter for display of the entire locale to user.
getDisplayName(Locale) Getter for display of the entire locale to user.
getDisplayVariant() Getter for display of field to user.
getDisplayVariant(Locale) Getter for display of field to user If the localized name is not found, returns the variant code.
getISO3Country() Getter for the three-letter ISO country abbreviation of the locale.
getISO3Language() Getter for the three-letter ISO language abbreviation of the locale.
getLanguage() Getter for programmatic name of field, an lowercased two-letter ISO-639 code.
getVariant() Getter for programmatic name of field.
hashCode() Override hashCode.
setDefault(Locale) Sets the default.
toString() Getter for the programmatic name of the entire locale, with the language, country and variant separated by underbars.