Resolving APE Problems

Error Installing APETEST Database on SQL Server

Due to the variations in SQL Server configurations, it is possible for the installation of the APETEST database to fail. Before running the APE Database Setup Wizard again, you must remove any partially installed components.

For More Information   For more information on using the APE Database Setup Wizard to install the APETEST database, see APE Database Setup Wizard.

To delete the physical device APETEST

  1. Start SQL Enterprise Manager.

  2. From the Manage menu, click Database Devices.

  3. Select APETEST.

  4. Click Delete Device.

To delete the APETEST database

  1. Start SQL Enterprise Manager.

  2. Open the following folders:

    <server name>\Database

  3. Select APETEST.

  4. Press the Delete key.

To delete the Apetest.dat file

  1. Using Windows Explorer, find and select the Apetest.dat file.

  2. Press the Delete key.

To check for the APE tables in the master database

  1. Start SQL Enterprise Manager.

  2. Open the following folders:

    <server name>\Databases\master\objects\tables

    The APE tables (ACCOUNT, ORDERDETAILS, and PRODUCTS) should not be in this list of master database tables. If they are, select and delete each one.

Full APETEST Database Log File

If your database is set up to log all I/O operations, the log file may rapidly fill up. This causes the database to stop accepting all new change requests, which in turn causes APE MTS transactions to abort.

To make space for new change logs, you must either back up or dump the log file. An easy way to dump the log file is to use Microsoft® SQL Server™ Enterprise Manager.

To use SQL Server Enterprise Manager to clear the APETEST log file

  1. Start Microsoft SQL Enterprise Server Manager.

  2. Select the APETEST database.

  3. Click Tools, and then click SQL Query Tool.

  4. In the Query list box, type the following line:
    dump transaction APETEST WITH NO_LOG
  5. Click Execute Query.