ADO Cursor Library


The ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) cursor provider, part of the Remote Data Service (RDS) technology, provides several types of cursors as shown in the following table.

Cursor type Constant
Forward-only cursor adOpenForwardOnly
Keyset-driven cursor adOpenKeyset
Dynamic cursor adOpenDynamic
Static cursor adOpenStatic

You can control how the data source and the chosen ADO cursor library manage concurrency with the locking options in the following table.

Locking type Constant
Pessimistic concurrency. adLockPessimistic
Optimistic concurrency using row values. adLockOptimistic
Read-only. Changes are not permitted. adLockReadOnly
All updates are deferred until the batch update is finished. To do batch updating, you should select either a keyset or static cursor. adLockBatchOptimistic

For More Information   For more information on ADO cursor options, search online for "CursorType Property" in MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0. For more information on Remote Data Service (RDS) and how it provides cursor support with ActiveX Data Objects, search online for "Remote Data Service Developer's Guide" and "Understanding Remote Data Service Applications" in MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0. For more information on using locks to handle multiuser concurrency situations, see Managing Concurrency with Cursor Locks in this chapter.