Data Access Using Remote Data Objects (RDO)


Remote Data Objects (RDO) is specifically designed to access remote ODBC relational data sources, and makes it easier to use ODBC without complex application code. RDO is a primary means of accessing SQL Server, Oracle, or any relational database that is exposed with an ODBC driver.

The general characteristics of RDO are:

Compared to the older Data Access Objects (DAO) technology, RDO is a smaller, faster, more sophisticated alternative. RDO is especially capable of building and executing queries against stored procedures and handling all types of result sets, including those generated by multiple result set procedures, those returning output arguments and return status, and those requiring complex input parameters.

The following sections will acquaint you with RDO data access technology.

Section Description
Understanding the RDO Object Model Defines the RDO object model and how it works.
Accessing Data with RDO Discusses the application and use of the RDO data access technology.
When to Use RDO Specifies when to use RDO in your application.

For More Information   For more information on how to implement data access using Remote Data Objects (RDO), search for "Understanding Remote Data Access Options" in MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0.