DB-Library Cursors


The DB-Library provides several types of cursors, as shown in the following table.

Cursor type Constant
Static cursor with forward-only read. CUR_FORWARD
Keyset-driven cursor. CUR_KEYSET
Dynamic cursor. CUR_DYNAMIC
Keyset-driven, insensitive, server-side only. CUR_INSENSITIVE

DB-Library provides several options for managing concurrency, as shown in the following table.

Locking type Constant
Read only. Changes are not permitted. CUR_READONLY
Pessimistic concurrency. CUR_LOCKCC
Optimistic concurrency using row values. CUR_OPTCCVAL
Optimistic concurrency using row versions. CUR_OPTCC

For More Information   For more information on the DB-Library cursors, search online for "dbcursoropen" in SQL Server Books Online. For more information on using locks to handle multiuser concurrency situations, see Managing Concurrency with Cursor Locks.