Business Model


The business model defines the goals and context of the business in funding the application. Some of the questions about your application this model answers are:

In an ideal scenario, implementing an enterprise application architecture begins by defining the business requirements embodied in the business model.

How the business model interacts with other models

As the diagram in the Enterprise Application Model shows, the business model directly interacts with the user model, the logical model, and the technology model. The following table characterizes these interactions and gives brief examples of each.

Sub-model How the business model relates to it Example
User model Determines who will use the application, their skill levels, and their desktop configuration. An application that must be used by inexperienced personnel must be highly intuitive and well-documented.
Logical model Sets policies about how business assets must be managed. These policies are reflected in logical business rules. Business policies determine how shipping, inventory, and sales must respond to new orders.
Technology model Determines or constrains the technology needed to satisfy business requirements. A business requirement to direct market the company’s products through electronic commerce mandates Internet technology.

Since the development model permeates all of the Enterprise sub-models, there are no "typical" interactions because you must account for every design and implementation decision in the development model.

You should note that each of these interactions works both ways For example, the cost and capacity of new modems may limit the number of customers a business will be able to serve with its new Internet-based direct marketing application. In this case the technology model might force goals and requirements of the business model to be reassessed.

These business model interactions are examined in greater detail in "Identifying Business Requirements," in Chapter 3, “Creating the Application Architecture.”

How the Internet affects the business model

Examples of the way the Internet has affected the business model include:

For more information   The business model is explored in greater depth in "Identifying Business Requirements," in Chapter 3, “Tools for Enterprise Application Design.”