Build Tab (Project Properties Dialog Box)

See Also   Tasks

Use this dialog box to specify the build properties of your installer project, such as the package file name and type (.msi or .msm file), the distribution media (such as floppy disk or CD-ROM), and the file compression.

You reach this dialog box in two steps:

  1. Select your installer project in the Project Explorer window.

  2. From the end of the Project menu, select the InstallerProjectName Properties option.


Output file name

Accept the default package file name, or change it by typing a different name.

Output folder

Specify the source machine folder where your installer project outputs are placed when you build the installer project. You can accept the default folder shown (named Output in your installer project directory), or click Browse to change it. Browse leads you to the Browse for Folder dialog box, where you can navigate to and select a different project folder.

When you create an .msi file, Microsoft® Visual Studio® Installer creates an image of each disk in the project's output directory, and sequentially labels these images as subfolders Disk_1, Disk_2, Disk_3, and so on. You must label the corresponding installation floppy disks according to this sequence and format.

Build type

Select which type of package file to build from the drop-down list:

For more information about installer package files and merge modules, see Installer Package Files and Merge Modules.

Package files as

Select the appropriate installer package file type from the drop-down list available here. This field is not available if you are creating a merge module.

Available package file types include:


Accept the default compression type or select another from the drop-down list available here.


Select the appropriate media type and size for your package file from the drop-down list available here. Media options are only available for installer package (.msi) files with the Package files as option set as Compressed in cabinet file(s) or Uncompressed.

Available options include:


Accept the build properties shown, and do not close the Project Properties dialog box.