Merge Module Search Path Tab (Project Properties Dialog Box)

See Also   Tasks

Use this dialog box to specify where this installer project looks for any required merge modules (.msm files).

You reach this dialog box in two steps:

  1. Select your installer project in the Project Explorer window.

  2. From the end of the Project menu, select the InstallerProjectName Properties option.


Look for Merge Modules in the following folders

By manipulating information in this field, you can indicate where your installer project will search for merge modules.


Select this button to add a folder. It displays the Add or Edit Folder dialog box, where you can specify the folder.


Choose this button to change the selected search path. It displays the Add or Edit Folder dialog box, where you can specify the new folder.


Choose this button to delete the selected search path.

Warn if merge modules install different versions of files than those installed on this machine

Establishes that a warning is displayed for potential conflicts among shared files installed with merge modules.


Accept the search paths listed, and do not close the Project Properties dialog box.