Adding Merge Modules to an Installer Project

Merge modules (.msm files) are the means for correctly sharing components and files among Microsoft® Windows® installer package (.msi) files. Sharing files and components through .msm files helps to ensure the stability of applications installed with a Windows installer package.

To include an .msm file in your installer project, simply add the .msm file to the project.

To add a merge module to an installer project

  1. In the Project Explorer hierarchy, select your Windows installer project.

  2. On the Project menu, click Add Merge Module(s).

    Note   You can also reach the Browse for Merge Module File dialog box by right-clicking the installer project name in the Project Explorer, highlighting Add, and then selecting Merge Module(s).

  3. In the Browse for Merge Module File dialog box, navigate to and select the .msm files you want to add to the installer project.

  4. Click Open.

    The selected .msm files are added to your installer project and shown in the Files node in the Project Explorer window.