Adding, Associating, and Deleting MIME Types

See Also

In the Associations editor, you can establish MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Exchange) types installed with your product, give each MIME type a name, and associate MIME types with extensions and COM objects. Setting up MIME types and their associations makes it possible for the target machine to handle your installed MIME types correctly (just as setting up document types with their extension and verb associations makes it possible for the target machine to handle them correctly).

Note   You work with MIME type properties to associate MIME types with file extensions. For more information about MIME type properties, see MIME Type Properties.

To add MIME types

  1. In the Project Explorer window, expand the Target Machine node under your installer project.

  2. Double-click Associations in the Target Machine node.

    The Associations editor is displayed.

  3. Right-click anywhere in the Associations editor.

  4. Select Add MIME Type from the context menu.

    A new MIME type is added to your project, and its label New MIME/New Type (or New MIME/New Type1, 2, 3, and so on) is shown in the Associations on Target Machine hierarchy. You can change the default New MIME/New Type name right away, if desired.

To associate MIME types with file extensions

  1. In the Project Explorer window, expand the Target Machine node under your installer project.

  2. Double-click Associations in the Target Machine node.

    The Associations editor is displayed.

  3. If necessary, expand the Associations on Target Machine hierarchy to show the MIME type you want to associate with a file extension.

  4. In the Associations on Target Machine hierarchy, select the MIME type you want to associate with a file extension.

  5. In the Properties window, set the Extension property for the MIME type.

    Once you have associated the MIME type with the extension, your installed product will treat e-mail and Internet files of that MIME type the same as files with the associated extension. If your installed application can process verbs associated with that file extension, establishing the MIME type association means your product can also process those verbs on mail attachments and Web browser files with the same file extension.

    Note   You also work in the Properties window with the Extension property of a MIME type to break or change the association between a MIME type and a file extension. For more information, see MIME Type Properties.

To delete MIME types

  1. Display the Associations editor.

  2. If necessary, expand the Associations on Target Machine hierarchy to show the MIME type you want to delete.

  3. In the Associations on Target Machine hierarchy, right-click the MIME type you want to delete.

  4. Select Delete from the context menu.

    The Associations on Target Machine hierarchy shows the MIME type has been deleted from the installer project. Information about how to handle this MIME type will not be installed with your product.

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