IgnoreLanguage Property (Merge Module)

See Also         

Specifies whether Microsoft® Visual Studio® Installer ignores the international language of any merge modules (.msm files) called by the selected .msm file.

Note   This property only applies to .msm files included in Visual Studio Installer merge module projects; it does not apply to .msm files included in installer projects.

When you add an .msm file to a merge module project, the .msm file you add may have dependencies on other .msm files. By default, any such .msm file dependencies require the international language of the dependent .msm files matches the language of the .msm file that calls them.

You can use the IgnoreLanguage Property to change this default and stipulate that dependent .msm files of any language are acceptable. This establishes "neutral" .msm file dependencies.


The settings for the IgnoreLanguage property are:

Setting Description
False Visual Studio Installer does not ignore the international language of dependent .msm files called by the selected .msm file. Visual Studio Installer will only import dependent .msm files of the stipulated international language.
True Visual Studio Installer ignores the international language when importing any .msm file dependencies of the selected .msm file to your merge module project.


This property is an advanced Visual Studio Installer feature, so be very careful if you change the default False setting to True.