Source Code Control Common Tasks

See Also   

This section contains step-by-step instructions for the most common Microsoft development environment tasks related to source control. You can also rename a file and delay a change to your local machine or the source control database, using the source control features available in the development environment.

Note   You cannot delay source control actions while working with Microsoft® Visual InterDev™. If you are using Visual InterDev and Microsoft® Visual SourceSafe™, please read the instructions for using source control in Working with Multiple Developers.

These tasks include:

Adding a Project or Solution to Source Control

Changing the Reminder Dialog Box Timing

Changing/Setting a Connection to the Source Control Database

Checking Items In and Out

Enabling the Source Control Dialog Boxes to Appear

Getting the Current Version of an Item

Removing Projects or Solutions

Renaming Items

Sharing an Item

Viewing the History of a Source Control Item