Using Deployment to Deploy and Debug Web Applications


With the Microsoft development environment, you can deploy your Visual J++ and Visual InterDev projects to Web servers. This kind of deployment supports two important development scenarios:

With the development environment, you can manage and configure several deployment targets, which means that you can deploy your application in a number of different configurations to a number of different Web servers.

Debugging Applications on Remote Servers

With the Microsoft development environment, you can debug applications in which components are targeted for deployment across machine boundaries. For example, if you are developing a Web application that contains components that run in the browser and components that run on the server, you can deploy your application to a Web server, and then test and debug your application in its deployed configuration. When you are debugging the application, the application will stop on breakpoints even when they occur in code or script that is executing on a remote platform.

You can create a deployment target that describes the configuration of the application deployed on a test Web server. If you select the deployment target, and then select Set As Active on the shortcut menu, the application will be deployed and run in its deployed configuration whenever you debug the application.

Deploying Web Applications to a Production-Centered Web Server

You can use the Microsoft development environment to deploy Web applications written in Visual J++ and Visual InterDev to a production server. For example, if you are building a Web application in Visual J++, you can create a deployment target that will deploy your application to the production Web server. Whenever you need to deploy the application into production you can select Deploy on the shortcut menu, and the development environment will deploy the application. Thus you can periodically redeploy your application as changes are made and tested.

Similarly, if you are building a Web application using Visual InterDev, and your Visual InterDev project is not on your production Web server, you can use deployment to periodically deploy and redeploy your application into production. In this case the development environment will deploy the entire Web site to the production server. You can also use a deployment target to deploy a combination of Visual InterDev and Visual J++ projects.

If you use Microsoft Site Server to manage your Web site you can use the Microsoft development environment to deploy your application to a Content Replication Service (CRS) project, for subsequent replication across a Web site.