New Deployment Target Dialog Box


Use this dialog box to specify the URL for a new deployment target and to add project output files to that deployment target. To add individual miscellaneous files to the deployment target, in the Deployment Explorer select the appropriate service within the target, right-click, then click Add Files.

A deployment target specifies the list of projects and files that are to be deployed, the URL to which files are deployed, and the configuration of components on the server. You can specify the URL of the new deployment target, and select any initial projects to be deployed as Web Content, Controls, or Applets.


Deploy to (URL)

Enter the URL (Universal Resource Locator) of the target Web server. This can be in the format of HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) or HTTPS (Secure HTTP).

You can specify the root folder below which all components will be deployed. For example, you could type: http://servername/mysub, where "servername" would be the name of the machine, and "mysub" the name of the subdirectory or folder that you want to reach.

Add these Project Outputs

Adds the outputs of the selected project to the Web Contents, Controls, and Applets service by default. Selecting a project specifies that the project's output files are deployed to the target URL. The project's output files are the files that are generated from the build process or a file that you want included with a completed build.

For example, in a Visual J++ project that implements an applet, the output files would be the .class files and any HTML files and resources that the applet requires. Similarly, the output file of a packaging project is the .cab, .zip, or <setup>.exe file that the packaging project builds.