Solution Building and Packaging User Interface Reference


This section includes reference information on items in the Microsoft development environment you can use to package your solution or projects. Select any of the links below for more information on the named item.

ActiveCfg Property

Add Additional Files Dialog Box

Add/Edit External Dependencies Dialog Box

Authentication (Security – Options Dialog Box)

Cabinet (.cab) File Properties Dialog Box

Custom (Utility Project Properties Dialog Box)

Deployment (Project Properties Dialog Box)

External Dependencies (CAB Properties Dialog Box)

Java Permissions (CAB Properties Dialog Box)

Launch (Utility Project Properties Dialog Box)

Microsoft System Libraries (Setup Properties Dialog Box)

Nested Setups (Setup Properties Dialog Box)

Remote Components (Setup Properties Dialog Box)

Signing (Setup Project Properties Dialog Box)

System Directory Installation (Setup Project Properties Dialog Box)

Target (Setup Project Properties Dialog Box)

Output Format (Project Properties Dialog Box)

ZIP (.zip) Package Properties Dialog Box